Support for Learning

Support for Learning

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Support for Learing (SfL) work across the curriculum alongside our colleagues in departments to facilitate learning through:increasing the pupil teacher ratio; by having empathy with the young people as new learners of a subject; by acting as advocates for young people and their learning needs; and by having expertise regarding the many learning needs which can be found in a secondary school.

We have a particular role to play at transition points – primary to secondary, within secondary from one stage to another, and from school to work, college or university.

Throughout their time at school all young people may experience a short term difficulty requiring some extra flexibility in their lessons or school week and SfL can assist in making such provision. For other young people additional flexibility in teaching and learning is needed for a longer period and again SfL can make provision through cooperative teaching, direct tuition, assessment arrangements and through technology.

SfL staff work closely with parents/carers and other agencies which support young people, as well as subject colleagues and the rest of the Pupil Support team within the school.

English as an Additional Language 

Hillhead High School has been a successful multicultural school for many years, with pupils from many different countries. Click here for more information about EAL:



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