Duke of Edinburgh Award

At Hillhead High we are extremely proud to be able to offer the Duke of Edinburgh Award completely free of charge. We also have a large supply of equipment that is free for pupils to access. This means that the DofE Award at Hillhead High school is truly inclusive and open to all. As a result of this support we currently have 56 young people attempting the Bronze Award which is a record number of participants for us. We have also just enrolled our first ever Gold participants!

Our outstanding work in the Duke of Edinburgh Award has been recognised and commended as we achieved the Centre of the Year Award for 2019.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is” the world’s leading youth achievement award” and gives participants the opportunity to develop their leadership skills, resilience, confidence, team work and so much more. There are three levels of Award, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each Award requires participants to complete 4 sections: Volunteering, Skills, Physical and Expedition. For the Gold Award, participants must also complete a Residential trip.

If you would like more information on how you can get involved please see Mr Richardson.


Each Award has different timescales for each section;

Below are some pictures from our recent Bronze and Silver Expeditions

Bronze 2017

Silver 2018

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