Respect Me: Anti Bullying

Respect Me Reward 

Hillhead High School achieved the Respect Me reward for good practice in our Anti-Bullying practice in 2023, the first  secondary school in Glasgow to do so and we are extremely proud of all of the hard work from our staff and pupils to achieve this.  The school received a positive feedback report from Respect Me quoting;

It is evident that the staff of Hillhead High School are dedicated to implementing their anti-bullying policy and catering it individually to each young person. Respectme is confident and assured that the quality of your school self-assessment is accurate and robust. There is significant evidence of strong leadership where aims, vision and values are well understood and communicated to staff, pupils and parents/carers.

Guidance for Parents and Carers – Bullying

The guidance leaflet below was created in partnership with Glasgow City Parents Group, Glasgow Psychological Services, Education Services and Respectme in August 2023 and updated again in March 2024.

Guidance for Parents and Carers – Bullying


There is also a range of excellent advice available from Respect Me for parents and carers. Click on the image below to access the website.

Respect Me have also created resources to support parents and carers  keep their children safe when it comes to online bullying.

You can take a look at their most recent information booklet below:

Bullying – What Can I do?

Download ‘5 ways to keep your child safe when it comes to online bullying’ by clicking on the link below:

5 Tips for Parents and Carers

Additionally, Respect Me has has also filmed a series of short videos aimed at expanding on the tip sheet and providing parents and carers with practical advice to deal with incidents of online bullying.

You can watch these on Youtube by clicking here.


You can also find helpful information from the Anti-Bullying Alliance.  This includes a resource providing some really useful tips for chatting with young people about bullying.

Anti Bullying Alliance Top Tips for Parents and Carers

To access the Anti-Bullying Alliance website, click on the image below:

Report a Glow concern
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