
At Hillhead High we communicate with parents in a number of ways.

You will find a wealth of information on our school website and our School Twitter account @HillheadHS.

We also regularly send messages out to parents. However, sending text messages costs money and we would ask that, if possible, you download the Groupcall Xpressions app.

Groupcall Xpressions is a free app that will allow us to keep you informed and save money. It will also allow us to send out more information (e.g. letters, information for specific year groups) that will further improve communication.

Most of you have already completed the form below and so only need to download the app now to get started, You can download the Groupcall Xpressions app from the AppStore or Google Play

Download and Log into Xpressions


1.  If you have not already done so, install The Xpressions App.

 Google Play  App Store
2.  When you have installed the app, open it and enter your email address then click ‘Next’.

All personal details will be taken from the school records, so the information you provide needs to match what they have on file. If you are unable to enter details successfully you will need to speak to your school office. If you are sure you have entered information correctly but you still see an error message, it is likely that the school records are incorrect so please contact your school.

3.  Enter your mobile number and click ‘Next’.

When you have entered details correctly you will receive a text message to your mobile phone containing a 6 digit code.

4.  Enter this code on screen and press ‘Login’.

If you do not receive a code, use the ‘Resend Code’ function. However there can be delays due to mobile phone providers and other factors outside of the control of Xpressions and the school so please wait for at least 5 minutes and ensure you are in an area with mobile phone coverage.

5.  Create a Password (Recommended).
It is recommended that you create a password for your account at this stage. If you need to login again, or on another device, having a password will make the process easier. See recommendations for a strong and secure password Setting a Strong Password
It is recommended you review our advice on protecting your data on your device, and what to do if your device is ever lost or stolen


If you have not yet completed the form please download it here:

Groupcall form

  • Fill in a form and give us your mobile number and your email as well as your permission to use those to contact you via the app.
  • You can get the form from the school, or download it, print it, fill it in and give it to the school.
  • Once this is done, download the app (see above)


Wider Achievement Questionnaire

We want to hear about all of the fantastic achievements of our young people outside of school so that we can celebrate this through tweets, wall displays, etc. Please let us know about any clubs they are participating in, skills they are learning, experiences they have had or anything else. We value all achievements so please let us know!

Please follow this link– and complete the very short questionnaire

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