All posts by Miss McAlaney

P7 Information Evening – Thurs 10th June 2021

Dear Parent / Carer,

Thanks to all who came along to our virtual Information Evening. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation shown can be found below – just click on the link. If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Campbell, Depute Head Teacher. You can call the school on 0141 582 0100 or email Mrs Campbell  at

P7 Parents Evening 10 June 2021

S5&S6 Alternative Certification Model – Next Phase

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please click on the link below to listen to/ watch the narrated PowerPoint presentation shared with all S5&S6 pupils at last Friday’s virtual assembly. This outlines the plans for the next stage of evidence gathering for SQA qualifications. For this period S5&S6 pupils will follow a different timetable to their current ones and individual timetables have been issued to pupils. Any pupil who has not yet picked up their timetable can do so from Miss Black and we can also arrange for copies to be posted home.

S5&6 Presentation on Next Phase of ACM

Hillhead HS – SQA Certification Model 2020 – 2021 (1)

Please contact Mr Neil or Miss Black if you have any questions.


National Qualifications Update – 22/04/21

Dear Parent/Carer,

Below is a link to a letter from Maureen McKenna, Executive Director of Education, about arrangements for National Qualifications this year. This letter will be sent out via our school app and email to you as well.

MMcK – parents-SQA-NQApril 21

A letter for pupils can be found below and will also be added to S5&S6 Teams pages by Mr Neil.

MMcK – pupils-SQA-NQApril21

All S5&S6 pupils will also be issued with a study pack during period 5 tomorrow (Friday 23rd April). If you have any queries, please get in touch with Mr Neil.


Asymptomatic Testing Programme (Lateral Flow Tests)

Our school is participating in the Schools Asymptomatic Testing Programme which is part of the package of COVID-19 risk reduction mitigations in schools across Scotland. We have had a high uptake of this offer from S4 – S6 who have been in school over the past month and once we return after the break S1-S3 pupils can also take part. Letters were sent home last week to pupils and lateral flow test kits have been issued this week to those who returned consent forms so that pupils can test themselves before returning to school.

A copy of the letter and consent form for S1-S3 pupils with links to other information can also be found here:

BGE COVID_Testing_Parent_Letter 19th March

A printable and editable version of the form can be found below:
