Our Falkirk Learning for Sustainability Framework is designed to help our schools and settings to build LfS into their curriculum in ways which suit their learners (Click the poster image to open a PDF copy of the file). The poster explains how the 5 planning bundles we have identified streamline the broad range of elements within the LfS Word cloud which we are all familiar with. The starter plans are available for early, through to fourth levels and are designed to help educators confidently avoid gaps or repetition within their teaching of LfS as well as reducing bureaucracy and workload around planning. By offering this degree of structure, educators can then plan the detail of their Learning for Sustainability with their learners, and in response to prior knowledge, school setting, and local and national event and opportunities.

There is more information about our Falkirk Learning for Sustainability Framework in the Sway presentation at the end of this post. Click here to watch our video which describes how our LfS framework can support Curriculum for Excellence review processes.

Click on the links below to view our bundle starter plans:

Bundle 1 – Explore sustainable practices 



Bundle 2 – Take part in global citizenship and international education projects



Bundle 3 – Connect with culture and heritage (local to global)



Bundle 4 – Explore values and attitudes




Bundle 5 – Exercising positive activism



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