Tag Archives: Trips

Base 4 Cinema Trip – Friday 10 November


As part of the Into Film Festival

Base 4  will visit the Odeon cinema

to see



Friday 10  November

Leaving school at 9.15 sharp

Returning for lunch.

(No home lunches on the day please)


Children will be walking and should be dressed

appropriately on the day in warm outdoor clothing.



Small snack and water may be brought- no large bags  or fizzy juice !





Pink Group Autumn Walk

 Yesterday the Pink group went out an Autumn walk to the local coffee shop, Central Park. We had such good fun and a yummy snack!

Big thanks to all the staff at Central Park and the parent helpers! 🙂

P4B outdoor learning day – Friday 6 October 2017

P4B  (Mrs Beveridge’s class ) plan to visit Caprington woods  on

Friday 6 October

due to poor weather forecast for Friday.


This is an outdoor learning opportunity linked to their book study

“The Wilderness War “


Leaving school at 11.00am

and returning for 2.30pm.

Children will be walking and should be suitably dressed in outdoor clothing .

Packed lunches only please.


Please complete the form below to give permission for your child to attend

and if you are able to help out on the day.









Primary 7 – Kilmarnock During WW2 Bus Tour

Primary 7 finished their first section of WW2 with a bus tour of Kilmarnock! They drove along Dundonald Road where the railings were cut down for melting into ammunition. They continued up John Finnie Street imagining the cars collecting evacuees from the railway station. After passing The Grand Hall (used for Italian prisoners of war) they made their way to Culzean Crescent where 4 people were killed in an air raid – the only one to ever hit Kilmarnock. They looked at the memorial bench for these four civilians  killed that night in May 1941. Finally, after a visit to The Dick Institute to look at old Kilmarnock photographs, they crossed the road to the war memorial.

Stephanie Kerr’s dad had told her where to look for her relative’s name.

An interesting and thought-provoking afternoon out.

P1 Trip to Culzean Castle