Tag Archives: P1

P1B Class Assembly


Class P1B will be performing a small assembly based around their

topic of Arran.

Parents and carers are warmly welcome to come and see what the children have been learning.

Our assembly will be on Monday 5th March beginning at 2:45pm.


Due to World Book Day being re arranged for Monday – we ask that if any pupil

plans to wear a costume  , they bring school uniform

for the assembly.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Parents and carers should arrive no earlier than 2:30 pm please.


We would like to invite Primary 1 parents to a Bug Club workshop. We have planned various workshops in the hope you will be able to attend at a time that suits you best.

Tuesday 26th September 3.20 p.m.
Tuesday 26th September 5.15 p.m.
Wednesday 27th September 8.20 a.m.