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Pink Group Autumn Walk

 Yesterday the Pink group went out an Autumn walk to the local coffee shop, Central Park. We had such good fun and a yummy snack!

Big thanks to all the staff at Central Park and the parent helpers! 🙂

P5/6 Reading

P5/6 are looking for grandparents/parents/guardians to read with us regularly in school. Mr McDowell would like to invite you to help us have more opportunities to read and listen to others read . If you can spare some time and would like working with small  groups during the school week then we’d love you to help!! Please get in touch! That would help a lot! Thank you

Invites p2/1

P2/1- Miss Ferguson’s class have been practising very hard for our assembly. It is on Monday the 9th October at 2:20 in the assembly hall. Parents of this class are invited along to watch.

From Ellie. Thomas and Katie.

Coffee Morning – Tomorrow




Friday 29th September at 9.30am to 11.00am


Mrs Lawson and Primary 7 pupils will be selling tickets from Wednesday 20th September, priced £2 each. Toddlers will be admitted free. Ticket includes tea / coffee and a selection of cakes and scones, with water or juice for young children. 

Donations of baking, tea, coffee, sugar etc. would be gratefully received from Wednesday 27th September – take care to clearly label any tubs or tins with your name.

(Please remember we can not sell any products containing nuts – many thanks)

We shall look forward to seeing you there for a blether and a bun!

P7 Photography day – Fri 13th October 2017

 Primary 7

 will be visiting

Grange Academy

for a

Photography Skills Lesson

Friday  13 October

Leave school at 8.45 sharp.


We will then walk into town to practice our new skills !

( Dick Institute and surrounding area)

Return for approx. 2.30pm.

School uniform and suitable warm outdoor clothing

Morning snack & packed lunch.

Children can bring their own phone/camera and take responsibility for it on the day

Please complete the permission form below for your child to attend


if you are available to help on the day.

Thanks .


We would like to invite Primary 1 parents to a Bug Club workshop. We have planned various workshops in the hope you will be able to attend at a time that suits you best.

Tuesday 26th September 3.20 p.m.
Tuesday 26th September 5.15 p.m.
Wednesday 27th September 8.20 a.m.



JRSO More Parking Issues

Image result for jrso logo

The other day we posted about parking issues within the school grounds, however we have received complaints and concerns  from several residents about inconsiderate parking in the streets around the school.

Please do not:  park on the zig-zag lines; on grass verges, block runways, park on the corner or move cones.

We are also worried that children cannot see leaving the school gates because of parked cars.

Please park sensibly, carefully and considerately.

By Calum Stewart  and Fraser Allison


The JRSO have noticed several problems in the car park again.

Please remember the parking area closest to the school is for staff and blue badge holders only.

The area next to the garden is for drop off only.

The roundabout should never be used to park on!

Please help us by following these simple parking rules and keep children safe.  Also, pass this information on to whoever brings/picks up your child from ECC and school.

Calum Stewart, Fraser Allison, Sam McCallum




Missing Jacket

A pupil in Base 4 has lost a Navy Michael Kors jacket.   Could we check all similar jackets at home please.

Thank you.