Category Archives: The Wider Community

P7 WW1 Play – Thursday night tickets

As the two nights of the show draw closer, we can confirm there are some tickets left for the Thursday night community performance.

Any P7 family who would like tickets for grandparents, other relatives / friends (maybe even for parents to see the performance again!) or parents of the P6 children coming along to support the choir, please feel free to request extra. This can be done by commenting on this post (click the heading to do this) or by asking at the school on Monday.

The remaining tickets will be given out on a first come first served basis. Many thanks.

Poppy sales

Primary 7 children will be going round classes starting on Thursday 1st November selling poppies. A minimum donation of 20p would be greatly appreciated for the charity.

Many thanks

WW1 Play

Performance dates / times:


All Primary 7 children should now have two tickets for the Wednesday night performance of our play. If they do not need both tickets could one be returned for others to use? Any left over will be distributed on a first come first served basis.

The Thursday night is a community performance with local groups such as care homes and history societies being invited. However, there will still be some tickets left over. Primary 6 children who are coming along as a supporting choir, are welcome to one of these or should Primary 7 children who would also like grandparents or other relatives to see the play, can also request these tickets – again first come first served basis.

All P7 children are aware of what costumes / clothes they will need. However if anyone has a top hat we could borrow, that would be great. We actually need two of these! Many thanks.


Primary 7 will be walking to Grange and then into Kilmarnock town centre on Tuesday. They are going to be photographing some of the wonderful architecture in the John Finnie Street area, The Palace Theatre, The Dick Institute – to name just a few places.

However, we currently have no parents to assist and can not go without extra adults, If you enjoy a long walk and are able to help, please click on the title above to reply or contact Mrs Lawson on Monday morning.

Many thanks.

MacMillan Coffee Morning

A date for your diary…

Our very popular annual MacMillan Coffee Morning will take place on

Friday 28th September

9.30am – 11.00am

All donations of tea, coffee, sugar, home baking etc will be made most welcome in the days leading up to the event.

** Home baking – no nuts please **

Tickets will be on sale on the door for  £2 each.  

If you would like to help on the day please let Mrs Lawson know.

We shall look forward to seeing you and your friends and family on the day!

Church Service

It was lovely to see so many friends and family joining us today in church for our closing service. I’m sure everyone there enjoyed listening to the choir and recorders.

A huge thank you to the GFG for the secondary school ties for our Primary 7 children. It has become a wonderful tradition and one which their parents greatly appreciate too.

As you know, Beautiful Inside and Out (SCIO) was the nominated charity for the offering and we are delighted to be handing over a cheque for £320 to help fund their counselling sessions for young people. Thank you for your generosity today.

P7 at Portland Bowling Club

What a good time Primary 7 had at their first week of bowling at Portland Bowling Club. The members kindly gave up their time to share their knowledge with the children, who quickly realised it’s not as easy as it looks! Two more sessions to go – fingers crossed for the continued good weather.

A visit to Willowbank

Thank you so much to Mrs McCallum and the staff at Willowbank for inviting some of our P4 children up to visit during Digital Learning week. All the children had a great time as you’ll see by the photographs.

Springhill Care Home

Some of the residents from Springhill came to visit us today. The children liked showing them what they like to play with at nursery.   They seemed to really enjoy themselves and were interested in the changes in the nursery environment since their day.  They are looking forward to coming back to see us.


Kickstart Reading


This sounds like a fantastic idea… If anyone manages to get a ticket, please bring it in and we’ll put a photo of you and your ticket on the blog. Happy reading!!

Mrs Lawson

East Ayrshire Libraries are delighted to be working in collaboration with the SPFL Trust and Kilmarnock Football club to bring the 4-4-2 Reading Challenge to local children.

As a reward for reading and using the library we are offering free tickets to Kilmarnock home games. 

All that primary aged children need to do is borrow 4 books from the library (on their own card, not a group card) and when they return the fourth book they get a card stamped which they take to Rugby Park to exchange for 1 free child ticket and 1 discounted adult ticket on selected home games.  The challenge runs until the end of May but completed vouchers can be redeemed until the end of October.