Category Archives: The Wider Community

Quite a display!

How lovely the school looks with the display of rainbows and messages! Thank you to all of you for making the school such a special part of the community at this difficult time!

Good morning…!

Messages to brighten your day!

Thanks again, everyone!

Rainbows To Brighten Your Day!

The school railings are looking so colourful with all your beautiful pictures – the messages of thanks to our front line workers are so lovely too. It was great to see people reading them this morning as they walked past the school. Thank you also to the kind person who left a bag of tie wraps to help secure the drawings to the display!

Rainbow messages…

Thank you to all artists who have added their beautiful rainbows and messages to the school railings. How many more can we get?


Thank you for the growing number of rainbows on the railings making everyone smile as they pass the school. Keep them coming, everyone!


How lovely it is to see some rainbow pictures and messages of hope appearing on the school gates!

Wouldn’t it be lovely to see lots of these decorating our railings for people to read  and enjoy looking at as they walk past the school? Why not add to the collection – don’t forget to put your name on it too.

Stay safe everyone!


100 years ago….

We are living in extraordinary times right now and no doubt we will look back at 2020 and remember what was happening in our town.

The last time the country experienced anything like this was during WW1 when Spanish flu swept across Europe carried by soldiers. The Dick Institute was used as a hospital back then for the soldiers coming back injured or ill, as these two grainy photos show…. 

This short video clip was taken outside The Dick Institute in 1922.



ECC Intergenerational Award

The ECC have received another award. We were recognised by generations working together for our continuing developing practice with Springhill care home and Howard House care homes. We were awarded a certificate of merit for Most innovative project. Well done to all staff in the ECC for contributing to the continued improvement of the intergenerational project.

Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs Schools Competition

All of our Burns Recital Class Winners were given the opportunity to compete at the Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs Schools Competition yesterday. 

Many of them chose to take part in the event and represent Gargieston, with incredible  success. With over 70 children in the P1-3 category alone, Gargieston had a clean sweep taking Gold, Silver and Bronze – what a remarkable achievement!

                                                      1st place – Isla Clarke                                                                                                        2nd place – Adil Ahmad                                                    3rd place – Pippa Lee

We are so proud of all our team, with particular praise going to the 3 winners. Well done, Team Gargieston!

Rotary Quiz Success

A huge well done to Jack, Lauren, Sophie and Harry who came 1st place in the Rotary Quiz tonight.  They were a credit to Gargieston tonight.
