Category Archives: Parents

Communication Board update….

Our top tip of the month is make reading part of your day. I have made up another sheet that provides key information on the benefits and impact of regularly reading with your child. Please take a few moments to have a read or view our communication board in the ECC cloakroom where you will find more information on aiding your child’s communication and language skills.

Nursery Rhyme of the week…

Our Nursery Rhyme of the week is Little Jackie, Jack Frost and we have three Makaton signs we will learn within the song. Please feel free to try these out at home with your child. Makaton is fun for everyone and aids your child’s communication and language skills.


Happy New Year to everyone and I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.

Could I ask the boys and parents of P7 boys to all check they have the correct trousers home after PE today please? One of the boys, wearing a brand new pair of M&S aged 11-12 school trousers, has lost them after PE.

Perhaps the boys in Mrs Beveridge’s P4 class could also check theirs as they were in the changing rooms at a cross over point with P7.

A smaller pair was left and they certainly did not fit any P7.

Many thanks,

Mrs Lawson

Raffle Winners


Here are the three winners of the scooter raffles this year. Congratulations to Isla Clark from the ECC afternoon group, Calum Healy from P2  and Cameron McLardy from P6. The giant food hamper was won by Hannah Paterson in P7.The Grand raffle prize was drawn today and the winners of the 62 prizes will hear the good news very soon. The winner of the Guess the Reindeer’s birthday wll be drawn at tomorrow’s assembly. Congratulations and thank you once again.The final sum raised from our Christmas Fayre this year has been £4,411.68 – an outstanding amount of money. We cannot thank you enough!!           Everyone at Gargieston Pr. and ECC

Base 3 Christmas Party

We all had a fantastic time playing games and dancing our feet off at our Christmas party today!

★ Star of the week ★

Chippy the Elf decided that last week all the ECC boys and girls deserved Star of the Week for doing so well at the Nativity on Wednesday. Well done everyone! 😀 😀 😀

Christmas Church Service



 Christmas  Church Service


St Andrews and St Marnocks Church.

*Thursday 21st December 2017*

Leaving school at 9.10 am and travelling by coach.

All families are invited to join us in church between 10 – 11 am.

We would like ask for £1 towards transport costs.

Please visit ParentPay to give permission for your child to attend.


Christmas Party Dates


Thursday 14th December – P3 party


Friday 15th December – Base 4 party


Tuesday 19th December – Base 3 party


Wednesday 20th December – ECC parties – AM / PM


Thursday 21st December – P1 and P2 party


**all parties will be held in the afternoon – during school hours**

Children can either go home at lunch time to change

or bring party clothes and change in school at lunch time.








Base 3 Celebrate Christmas Jumper Day!

Happy Christmas Jumper Day!

From Base 3


Anyone who didn’t receive a slip of what to wear for the nativity can come dressed in a Christmas jumper or hat if they wish.

Am performance starts at – 10.30am

Pm performance starts at – 2.15pm

You are invited to stay after the show for an after show party with your child. Rooms will be allocated on the day.

We look forward to seeing you there!