Category Archives: Parents

Halloween Disco

Halloween Poster – 1st November 2018

P7s – PE Transition

Primary 7 will visit the Grange Academy

for 6 weeks

staring Wednesday 10th October

till 21 November 2018

for PE Transition.


School Sweatshirt should be worn with casual PE bottoms and trainers.

Warm outdoor jacket for walking to Grange and bottle of water !


Leaving school at 11.00am and returning for approx. 12.45.

No home lunches on the day please.

Please give permission for your child to attend below and if you are able to help on any of the days.

Without the support of parents / carers helping out on the day , some of these exciting activities may not be able to go ahead.








Snapshot Week at Gargieston

This week has been Snapshot Week @ Gargieston P.S.

Please check your child’s bag for their Snapshot Jotter which will be sent home tonight and ensure it is returned to school on Monday 8th October.

Please check your email for further information relating to Snapshot Week.

P7 Arran Residential

Our first meeting regarding the P7 residential outing to Arran will take place on Thursday 1st November at  7.15 pm

This would allow you to see a presentation on the activities you could expect your child to experience, an approximate cost, travel / sleeping arrangements and of course a chance to ask staff questions.

We would strongly urge all parents to attend even if you think your child may not attend – sometimes children change their mind as the year progresses.

Please enter details below if you plan to attend.

Many thanks and we shall look forward to seeing you at the meeting.





Wider Achievements

Our first Wider Achievement Assembly will be held on Monday 1st October 2018.

If your child has achieved success at a club out with school, please send in their award, badge, medal or certificate on Friday 28th September 2018.

Please see your email for further information.




***** Travelling Book Fair *****

The Travelling Book Fair will be in school from Thursday 27th September till Thursday 4th October. Pupils will have the opportunity to ‘browse’ the books at lunchtime on Thursday 27th. The Book Fair will open on Friday 28th and close at the end of the day on Wednesday 3rd. A timetable for classes and the ECC to have the opportunity to buy books, along with times for parents to pop in with their child or children at the end of the school day, will be posted on the blog by Thursday.

Mrs Campbell

Parent Forum


Over the course of the year, we will be hosting Parent Forums in school where we will discuss aspects of the curriculum and areas for school improvement. 

These Parent Forums will be informal opportunities for you to share your views and all parents are welcome to attend. 

Our first Parent Forum will be on Thursday 13th September at 2pm. 

The focus for this meeting will be the draft School Improvement Plan for session 2018/19. 


Bethany’s Girls Football

Bethany’s Girls Football Is Back !

P5s – P7s

Starting Tuesday 18th September


Tuesday 27th November

(excludes 16th Oct)

Outdoor clothing required as we will be playing in the MUGA

3.30 – 4.15pm

Please give permission below for your child to attend. Thank you.

Netball Club – P6 and P7

P6 and P7 Netball After School Club

Fridays from 3.15 – 4.30pm

Starting Friday 7 September.


If your child wishes to take part

please complete the permission form below.


Only pupils with permission will be allowed to stay for the club.





Reach For The Stars Electives

As the children mentioned during the Reach for the Stars presentation, we have introduced ‘electives’ in school.

Mrs McKee and Mrs McLaughland consulted with the children to gather their views about which activities they would like to see on offer. Electives should be motivating and engaging for the children and activities that they really enjoy and look forward to participating in.  Mrs McKee was delighted to see so many active electives being proposed and has already met with our new Active Schools Co-ordinator, Cherryl Fulton, in order to offer as many varied sporting opportunities as possible.  There were also many other electives ideas suggested by the children from cooking and crafts to K,Nex and knitting!

We will do our best to offer a range of electives each block and keep our ideas fresh, creative and innovative therefore encouraging our children to ‘Reach for the Stars’!