Category Archives: Children In Need

Mary’s Meals Backpack Appeal

As you will have seen in the previous post, Gargieston Pr. is taking part in the Mary’s Meals Backpack Appeal. This project was launched at assembly last Monday by Sheila Smith who is a volunteer for the Mary’s Meals charity. It is being led by our P7 pupils, Keira, Morgan, Zara and Orla. We would be so grateful if families would donate a  backpack filled with the items listed in the previous post. Other than the toiletries all items can be recycled from home. All the backpacks you donate will be sent to school children in Malawi which will help to ensure, like us, those children can enjoy their Right to an Education. (UNCRC Article 28)

Children In Need ECC

Children In Need will take place on

Friday 17th November.


Children are invited to wear something spotty

to nursery that day and donate £1.


If children have an old t-shirt that they could  decorate

in nursery,  please bring in  wc 13th November

and they can make it spotty to wear on the 17th !


We will be selling Pudsey ears at £2.50 from Monday 13th .

Thank you.