All posts by Mr McDowell



We are excited to announce that our annual STEM WEEK will be taking place week beginning 18th February 2019!

This will be a fantastic opportunity to engage our pupils with a variety of activities to convey the importance of (STEM) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in their daily lives.

Are you a parent, grand parent, auntie, friend of the school? Do you work or have an interest in any of the STEM areas? Are you an engineer or do you have links to the engineering industry?  If the answer is YES, then we would be delighted to have your help and support during our STEM Week.

For instance, we would be delighted to hear from a range of occupations including:

doctor, nurse, air traffic controller, pilot, mechanic, graphic designer, scientist, IT, accountant, joiner, architect,  etc

Could you please leave your details below including any thoughts on what you could offer our pupils and Mr McDowell will contact you.

Many thanks.


Glasgow Greatness!!

Our trip was so good today. We really enjoyed it because we got to travel around the city on an open top bus. We visited Glasgow Cathedral, the Necropolis, Kelvingrove and Glasgow Green.


Our School Play

Today we had our class assembly. It was so much fun . Everyone laughed and thought it was funny! Our class made a cool song. I was a pop up in the play and my favourite part was singing and  the song was called SMART RULES!!!!! I was a gamer in the play and my favourite part was the singing with the class and there was a banana man game here’s some pictures.

Nathan and Katie

Primary 6/5 Assembly

We would like to invite parents/close family members to our Assembly on Friday 18th May at 9.50am. We have produced our own play called Only a Game. We look forward to seeing you!!


Mackenzie Halliday

Lucie Mcmillan

A Digital Sundial!

Mr Stewart helped us to understand more about time and light. He printed a 3D sundial in base 4 and let us test it out in the playground. The results were amazing. The sundial projected a digital time onto the ground!!

by P6/5

P6/5 STEM fortnight

Here are a small selection of snaps from the many interesting and exciting activities we took part in over the last couple of weeks. We’ve learned so much!

Aircraft of the Future, Mr Burns–Flight, Maths Roadshow, Electric Vehicles.

STEM challenge P6/5

Our brief yesterday was to design and construct a spaghetti bridge, strong enough to support a weight of 250g.

To build the bridge we only could use pasta, tape and rubber bands. My bridge held 600 grams but the winners held 725 grams so we came 2nd.  by Cameron McG

Bridges were very hard to make but most of them could hold two dictionaries for an example ours me, Eve, Cameron and Chiara. by Josh






P6/5 Term 2


Term 2 Jigsaw

Check out our plans for term 2 please.

We are enjoying our learning at Maths club.

Ross and Ali.

I like this ART work because it took a long time to do it. The best part was painting the ART work and doing it.