All posts by Miss Caldow

P3A Class Assembly

P3A invite parents/carers to their class assembly on Friday 16th March  where they will share their learning about the Amazon Rainforest.

The assembly starts at 9.50am. 

Please arrive no earlier than 9.45am as a class are using the Gym Hall beforehand.

(Finish approx.  10.40am)

We look forward to seeing you on Friday!

Miss Caldow and P3A

P3A learn about Global Citizenship

It is Global Citizenship week and in Primary 3A we have been discussing what  a global citizen is.  Below are our ideas at the start of this mini topic.

We then went on to discuss the difference between needs and wants and here are the definitions we came up with.

Needs – These are things that keep you safe and protect you.  We need them to survive.

Wants – These keep us happy and entertained but we can live without them.

Then we took part in an activity where we had 12 items but could only choose 9 of these to take with us to a new planet.  We created a ‘Diamond 9’ to organise our items from most important to least important.  Here’s what our groups came up with.

All of the groups chose water, food and family as their top three things.

Look out for another post to see how our understanding of a Global Citizen has developed.





P3 Scottish Tasting

Both P3 classes had a super afternoon tasting Scottish products. We voted and our favourite food was unsurprisingly the Tunnocks caramel wafers!

Watch a video of us enjoying our feast here!


P3A Snow Fun!

P3A had so much fun playing in the snow today, especially throwing snowballs at Miss Caldow!

P3A are Going for Green!

We have decided to change our Class Charter to better suit our P3 class.  We have made pockets to keep our green cards safe until assemblies on Fridays.  Miss Caldow has been giving out more green cards this week because we have stopped other class rewards.  We think this will be much better because we are only working towards one thing.  Here is a picture of our new charter, we hope you like it.

We also discussed the different things we could do to get green cards and reminded ourselves of our class rules.  Some of the Rights of the Child are also displayed.

“I think it’s better than keeping green cards in our trays because sometimes they get lost” – Sophie.

“I think it’s better because we can easily see how many green cards we have” – Tessa.

“Our green cards our safer in the small pockets” – Harry.

P3A Exploring STEM Afternoon

Today in P3A we explored STEM using lots of different activities.  These included: Magnets, LEGO, Hamma Beads, K’Nex, Playdoh and Lolly Sticks, Art Straws and Sellotape, Tweezers, Computer, 3D Shapes and Peg Boards.  Here are some of our pictures.

“It was great fun and I really liked the Peg Boards.” – Harry H

“It was awesome and I liked the LEGO.” – Finlay

“It was very good and I liked the Art Straws the best.” – Jessica

“It was awesome and I loved the K’Nex.” – Oliver

“It was awesome and I loved the Playdoh.” – Lucy H

“I liked the Tweezers the best!” – Callum


Children in Need Update

The Mini Council have been working hard deciding how to raise money for the charity Children in Need.

As a group we have decided to collect old, round pound coins as part of ‘Pudsey’s Round Pound Countdown’, if you have a round pound coin at home we would be grateful if you could donate it to our collection by giving it to Miss Caldow.

On the week beginning 13th November the Mini Council will be selling Pudsey merchandise.  Based on our survey we have decided to go with Ears for £2.50. These will be sold at lunchtimes in the gym hall.  In previous years these have sold quickly so be quick to avoid disappointment.

On  Friday 17th November children are invited to dress up in spotty/Pudsey clothes at the cost of £1 which should be given in cash to their teacher on the day.

We are looking forward to seeing how much we can raise and if we can beat last year’s total of £623.90!

Thank you for you help and support!

The Mini Council and Miss Caldow

Image result for pudsey


Children in Need 2017

The Mini Council are going to be organising Children in Need this year with the help of Miss Caldow.  Today we did a survey to see which products we should buy to sell that week.  Here are our results:

Glow in the Dark Pudsey Ears (£2.50) – 60 pupils

Glow in the Dark Blush Ears (£2.50) – 37 pupils

Glow in the Dark Wristbands (£1) – 94 pupils

Glow in the Dark Keyrings (£1) – 69 pupils

Glitter Badges (£1) – 66 pupils

Miss Caldow will order products based on these results.  We will update you on any further activities we have planned.

The Mini Council


P3A Term 1 Jigsaw

Have a look at what Primary 3A are learning in Term 1.

P3A Jigsaw Term 1