P3A are Going for Green!

We have decided to change our Class Charter to better suit our P3 class.  We have made pockets to keep our green cards safe until assemblies on Fridays.  Miss Caldow has been giving out more green cards this week because we have stopped other class rewards.  We think this will be much better because we are only working towards one thing.  Here is a picture of our new charter, we hope you like it.

We also discussed the different things we could do to get green cards and reminded ourselves of our class rules.  Some of the Rights of the Child are also displayed.

“I think it’s better than keeping green cards in our trays because sometimes they get lost” – Sophie.

“I think it’s better because we can easily see how many green cards we have” – Tessa.

“Our green cards our safer in the small pockets” – Harry.

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