All posts by Mrs Dodds

Meeting for Parents of ECC Returners

Mrs McKee will be holding a short meeting to explain the impact the early  years expansion will have on Early Learning & Childcare providers in our locality and the process for children who are currently in their ante pre-school year at Gargieston ECC.

**Monday 25th February – 11.15am  & 2.45pm

**Tuesday 26th February – 3.15pm

Please select from the drop down if you would like to attend.

Found !

Part of a scooter found in the Mount.

Please contact the office if you have lost this.


Nursery Registration Week

Monday 25 February 2019 – Friday 8th March

If your child’s date of birth is on or between 1 March 2016 and 28 February 2017 he / she will be eligible for a funded early learning and childcare place.

Registration will be by appointment with the Head Teacher.

Please call the office on 01563 533067 to make an appointment.

Returners do not need to re apply.

Thank you.



Harris McCoo Books

Thank you to everyone who attended our McCoo Showcase.

We hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did!


Shirley Husband is offering signed copies of her books.

Each book costs £8 or a pack of all 3 books can be ordered for £20.

Please order using the form below.

Please send the correct money into the school office in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and amount clearly marked on the front of the envelope.

Last orders Friday 22 February 2019.



P4A and P4B Visit to Ayrshire College

Primary 4s will visit Ayrshire College ( Kilmarnock Campus )


Wednesday 27th February 2019.

** Science Demonstrations and  Tour of College **


Leaving school at 9.00am sharp and returning for 12 noon.

Pupils will be walking to the venue and should wear suitable shoes and  waterproof  jacket.

Pupils should bring a small morning snack that will fit in their pocket.

Please give permission below for your child to attend and if you are available to help on the day.

P7 PE Event at Grange Academy

**Friday 1 March 2019**

Leaving school at 1 pm, return for 3.15pm.

Packed lunches only on the day please.

(pupils will have an early lunch)

School sweatshirt and casual / sports  bottoms and suitable gym shoes.

Bottle of water.

Please give permission below and if you are able to help on the day.

Thank you.

February Holiday

School  and ECC will be closed next week

due to the  mid term break.

(11th – 15th February)


Parent Council

New meeting minutes have now been added

and available to view under the Parent Council Tab.

ECC & Primary 1 Showcase of Learning


Harris McCoo

ECC & Primary 1 Showcase of Learning

Our children in the ECC and Primary 1 have been very busy learning about Harris McCoo and his family. 

They would like to share their learning with you on Thursday 7th February.


In order to accommodate both our morning and afternoon children, this short showcase of learning will take place at 10.45am and 2.15pm.


Please complete your details below if you wish to attend.