UNCRC Article 14

At last week’s assembly the children were looking at Article 14 of the UNCRC:-

Every child has the right to have their own ideas, thoughts, opinions and beliefs such as a religion.

To help present the assembly, Anaya Rana from P6B and Alisha Ahmad from P7A came along and spoke about their religion, Islam. Here are  some facts we learned from the girls:-     

  •  People who practice the religion of Islam are called Muslims.
  • There are about 1.6 billion Muslims in lots of different countries in the world.
  • Muslims believe there is one God called Allah.
  • Muslims believe the prophet, Muhammad started the religion of Islam.
  • The Mosque is the building where Muslims go to pray.
  • Friday is the Muslim holy day when they go to the Mosque to pray.
  • The Qur’an is the Muslim holy book and is written in Arabic.
  • In the same way as Christians celebrate religious festivals such as Christmas and Easter, there are religious festivals such as Ramadan in the religion of Islam.

Thank you so much to Alisha and Anaya for helping us learn about and understand their religion.  We could see the similarities with Christianity. This has helped us to better understand Article 14.

Class Charters

As part of our Rights Respecting Schools work, every class has put together a class charter. In this way each class has  established  a  whole class agreement on shared values and relationships for a Rights Respecting classroom which is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).                                                                     So that families can share in what we have been doing, here are some photographs of our class charters.                                                                               P1

P2A and P2/3







‘Letters To My Teacher’ writing competition P4-7

An interesting writing competition has come into the school which may be of interest to P4-7s with a love of history.

Poppy Scotland has given the competition the title Letters To My Teacher:

Imagine you are a soldier or stationed in a Field Hospital in the trenches during WW1. Write a letter back to your teacher describing your experiences, hopes and fears.

Good luck with your entries; please let Mrs Lawson know if you decide to enter. More details can be found on the following link:

Poppyscotland Learning | Poppyscotland


A Harvest Message

Thank you so much once again to our school chaplain, Rev. McNaughtan, for recording a Harvest message for the children to watch.

This message ties in beautifully with our Rights Respecting Schools work, as it includes a video from Malawi where climate change storms have had a devastating impact on the community’s food and water supplies. Article 24 tells of the rights children have to food and clean water.

The whole message only lasts around 10 minutes – we hope you enjoy watching this at home too.

Munch for Macmillan Thanks

Click here for a message from your Green House Vice Captains

Football Camp


Venue: Ayrshire College, Hill Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 3HY
Outdoor – Astro

Partnership Football Programme

Dates: Tuesday 12th October – Friday 15th October 2021
Age: P1 – P7 
Sessions: 10am – 12.00pm 
Cost: FREE – packed lunch provided

Males and Females welcome!

Delivered by KCST & Active Schools Coaches

Please book using the link below:


We have limited spaces due to Covid19 Restrictions.
Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
The survey will close when
the maximum number of participants is reached.

Your name will then be placed on a waiting list.

Please only book a space if you intend to turn up.

Failure to turn up takes places away from others who want to come along.
Children will be grouped in bubbles to adhere to COVID Guidelines.