ECC – exploring hammers

The ECC children have enjoyed exploring real hammers to hit golf tee’s into a pumpkin. They carried out their own risk assessments before taking part in the activity. They self selected their “safety goggles”

ECC new display

The children have been working hard creating hand print pumpkins and painting ghosts.

School App

The majority of whole school general information is shared with parents via the School App.  This is the recommended method of communication by East Ayrshire Council and is also the preferred method for many of our parents as the App sends push notifications to your phone to ensure that you don’t miss important communication.

Please find instructions above on how to download the School App if you do not already have it.

ECC Halloween

The ECC will be having a Halloween party on Friday 30th October. Children are encouraged to come in dressed up but please do not bring in props to go along with costumes for example broomstick and sword. Halloween parties will be in the children’s TRIO’s. All children will be indoors on this day but kept on either side of our dividing wall. Parties will take place throughout the usual session times. We look forward to seeing all of your lovely costumes 🙂


Monday 16th November 2020

Flu immunisation programme will visit Gargieston

for those pupils who returned consent forms.

GFG Bingo Night

Join us for a fun evening of zoom musical bingo on Friday 23rd October  @ 7.30pm.

Purchase your bingo cards on ParentPay @  £5 per Bingo card.

Once you’ve paid for your card (s) please email the parent council on with each of the email addresses for zoom access and your bingo cards.

Cut off for buying tickets is Thursday night to allow for instructions and bingo cards to be sent out.

Please make sure if you’ve purchased extra Bingo cards for friends and family you let us know the total number of cards you need and any additional email addresses that need access to our Zoom party.

Thank you GFG.

Just a reminder….

Just a last minute reminder that the artwork for Christmas cards and mugs has to be handed in by the children to their teacher tomorrow morning. Teachers will have a box /tray ready for the forms, which will then be quarantined for 72 hours.

**Please note – a tray has been left in the school ‘porch’ for any late orders –  Wednesday drop off  – 3pm at the latest **

Payments with PayPal please:

Also please remember to click payment for friends and family NOT for goods and services or we will be charged fees.

Many thanks GFG

ECC Camp fire training

The ECC staff thoroughly enjoyed in service day training on how to create a camp fire with the children. Relevant risk assessments have been completed so please watch this space for our first proper camp fire with the children in our garden 🙂

ECC new flooring

We have had a lovely new floor fitted in the ECC over the October holidays 🙂

ECC Witch’s kitchen

We have created a new role play area for the children to explore in the ECC – a witch’s kitchen