★ ECC Star of the Week ★

Well done to this weeks Star of the Week winners for ‘being a kind friend’ 😀

Next Meeting of Parent Council and GFG

The next meeting of the Parent Council and Gargieston Fundraising Group will be held on Monday 26th October 2020 at 7pm via     WebEx.  Due to current COVID restrictions the meeting will be held virtually.


A warm welcome is extended to all parents and carers. The meetings can be joined by dialling in from your phone, or via video call from a smartphone, tablet or laptop.


For joining details please email gargiestonparentcouncil@gmail.com by Friday 23rd October 2020, an invite will be sent to your email address by Sunday 25th October 2020.


If you are a current member of our Parent Council an invite will be sent automatically.


Enjoy the October break!


Best wishes


Julie Jaconelli (Gargieston Parent Council Chair)

ECC new display this week

The children have started to talk about Halloween in the ECC. We have been creating drawings of what we would like to dress up as for our Halloween party in the ECC.

ECC update

The children in both TRIO’s in the ECC have been exploring numbers for the last 3 weeks. They have participated in activities such as number hunts, painting, number games, number matching, creating number lines, numbers in playdough, shaving foam, sugar. They have been very busy which I am sure you have enjoyed seeing evidence of all of these activities on your child’s individual glow blog. We will move onto a new learning focus after the October holidays. Have a lovely break and we will se you all back on Tuesday 20th October.

The Votes Are In!

Congratulations to our House and Vice Captains for the Year 20-21!

They are super excited to begin their roles, starting with the re-introduction of green cards for House Points!


Blue House
Captains – Darcey Crawford and Adam Dyet
Vice Captains – Glen Cunningham and Kyle Chambers
Yellow House
Captains – Freya Lee and Miller Stewart
Vice Captains – Carrie Robertson and Arran Swift


Green House
Captains – Chloe Meechan and Harry McVey
Vice Captains – Annalise Morrison and Robbie Martin


Red House 
Captains – Amy Gear and Jamie Hodkinson 
Vice Captains – Ella Jaconelli and Kerr Handy

★ ECC Star of the week ★

We have started Star of the Week in the ECC to reward children’s achievements. This week we were looking for ‘Super sitting’. Well done to all of our winners!

ECC display

Our new Autumn display completed by ECC children. Number counting autumn tree’s.


ECC Rhyme of the fortnight

Rhymes are a very important aspect in early years and promote speech, rhyming words and much more in a fun filled way. Please practice the following rhyme at home with your child. Please let us know how they are getting on with the rhyme by sharing a short video on their individual blog. We will be practicing in the ECC too. Please encourage the appropriate makaton sign with the corresponding word. Thank you for your support 🙂