ECC Sports Week

Yoga Pose of the Day

Good morning everyone 😀 hope you all had a good weekend. Loved the celebration poses you came up with on Friday! Todays pose is:

‘Legs up the wall pose’.

Have a great Monday guys!  😀

Gargie Galleries

Gargie Gallery P1-3


Gargie Gallery P4-7


Virtual sports day – apology.

So sorry for the late posting of the final day of our sports. I had a technical hitch last night – my finger forgot to hit publish.🤪
That should it be posted now. Sorry folks.
Please remember that the points deadline has been extended to Sunday. That should you more time to do the last challenge and/or catch up with any you have missed.
Thank you very much for your involvement,
Mr Smith.

ECC Mrs Hendrie sack race

Pose of the day

Good morning everyone!

Instead of a yoga pose today and to mark the end of sports week, I thought we could do a celebration instead. I call this celebration the:

‘Woo Hoo’.

Let’s see what celebration you can come up with and why not name it too, for some fun 😀 Have a great weekend everyone and well done to everyone who took part in our Sports week!


ECC Mrs Hendrie obstacle race

Sorry Mrs Hendrie’s little boy was on camera duty today 😀 Even though the rain is on we can still have fun with our obstacle race boys and girls 😀

A Message from Gargie’s Digital Leaders

A Message from the Digital Leaders

Here is a lovely message from some of our Digital Leaders from across the school. Please use the password Gargie123 to access… enjoy!

Big thanks to:

Fraser – P7

Rachel – P2

Calum – P7

Harry – P6

Ruaridh – P2

Alesha – P5

Jack – P6

Amy – P5

Amber – P2

Tessa – P5

Jack – P7

Yoga Pose of the Day

Good morning everyone! almost at the end of our sports week, you’re all smashing it! Todays pose is the:

‘Extended Puppy Pose’.

Look forward to seeing you try it out! Have a great day 😀