Yoga Pose of the Day

Good morning everyone and happy Friday!!! Another week by in a flash! Last yoga pose of the week:

‘Standing Half Bound Lotus Pose’.

Love that so many of you are still enjoying the yoga poses! makes my week! Hope you all have a fab weekend  😀

Health and Well-being Fun Friday Challenge

This challenge is just a guide for a fun night. You can change things and do whatever you like to ease stress and lift your spirits during this difficult time. Stay safe,

Mr Smith


Pupil Council

Thank you to some members of the Pupil Council who joined Mrs Griffiths, Mrs McLaughland and Mrs Lawson for a conference call this afternoon.

They shared their views on what they have enjoyed about online learning and what the challenges have been. As well as that, they spoke about starting blended learning in August as we look towards next session. Their views are valued and will help staff plan in the weeks ahead.

Thanks Pupil Council – you were great!

ECC stars of the week

Yoga Pose of the Day

Good morning everyone! Todays pose is a twisty one:

‘Cow Face Pose’.

I’ve took a picture from behind also so you can see the placement of the hands. Have a great day, almost the weekend! 😀

Healthy Recipe with Mr Smith

Today’s healthy recipe – Chicken Souvlaki (Greek kebabs) I made these last week when the weather was hot and the BBQ was out. If you fancy helping your parents to make these, maybe wait until the weather picks up or make them under the grill.
This recipe is based on Jamie Oliver’s pork souvlaki which you can get on the internet.
They are really tasty and quite healthy. It does take a wee while to prepare them but if your family work as a team, it won’t take you that long. They are really worth it.
I’ve split the videos into three parts, followed by a couple of photos of them plated up. Mind you, I’m not so good at plating up so have them any way you like. Remember to help your parents and not try all this on your own as it involves sharp knives and hot BBQs. Go on, give them a try!

Gargieston ECC Graduation

All pre school children who are due to graduate from Gargieston ECC this year have been asked to complete a variety of activities in preparation for our virtual graduation. Can we please ask that ALL evidence is posted on children’s individual blogs or emailed to child’s keyworker before Monday 15th June. Any problems please email Mrs Hendrie. Thank you

Yoga Pose of the Day

Good morning guys! Half way through the week already, it’s been a quick one! 😀 After you done so well yesterday with Frog pose I thought you could try this one:

‘Half Frog Pose’.

Try and bend your arm as you hold onto your foot, that’s the tricky part! Have a good day 😀

Gargieston Hub

Any child who has attended the Gargieston Hub over the past 11 weeks will recognise Andrew (fondly known as Mr Beard) who co-presents this episode of BBC’s Reflections at the Quay.

Andrew works for Vibrant Communities and has been in the Hub every day since the first day of lockdown.  He has been a consistent, kind, friendly face for the children and they have really enjoyed working with him.  In this episode, Andrew talks about his experience of supporting our children during lockdown.  Some of the childrens’ artwork also features.

Yoga Pose of the Day

Good morning guys! I can’t believe I haven’t done this pose yet, it’s a great one I’m sure you’ll love! It’s called:

‘Frog Pose’.

A real good hip stretch! Look forward to seeing how you get on 🙂 Have a great day everyone and keep working hard!