So kind…..

Our posters have now started to appear on the Woodside Avenue railings and a special thank you to PC Dawson for his fabulous message to the children he met in Developing The Young Workforce week. These messages are appreciated by staff, parents and pupils alike. Stay safe, everyone!

Yoga Pose of the Day

Good morning yogis 🙂

hope everyone is having a good week so far. Todays pose is:

‘Squat Pose’.

First squat then see if you can get down nice and low then bring hands together in the centre 🙂

Yoga Pose of the Day

Good morning guys! We’re half way through our home learning week, keep working hard 😀 Todays pose is:

‘Downward dog pose’.

I love this one for a good stretch after a workout! Look forward to seeing you try it out 🙂

The History of Our School

For anyone who enjoys history – in particular local history, why not take time to read over our School History drop down on the home page.

The original Gargieston building opened in 1975 to replace Grammar School which was located in the Sheriff Court car park area at the end of Dundonald Road. The school badge with KGS intertwined, Kilmarnock Grammar School, was retained.

There are many photographs in this section – some from over 100 years ago. Why not have a look? Perhaps this could prompt discussions with grandparents about schooling in their time and how different things have become – especially now with our use of ICT!

I’d love to hear from the children about their findings and if any relatives have old photos of Grammar, I’d be delighted to add them to our pages!

Yoga Pose of The Day

Good morning yogis 🙂 Lots of really strong plank poses yesterday, well done! Todays pose is the:

‘Flower pose’.

Sitting upright, lift your legs and weave your hands underneath your legs around your calf’s. See if you can hold it there for a few seconds and imagine you are a beautiful flower. What flower would you like to be?


Staff quiz!

Tonight some of the staff came together to flex their intellectual muscles in a quiz run by Mr Smith. Well done to Mrs Mackie who was the overall winner! We won’t post who was last!!! 🤔🤔

Superstars !!


Congratulations to the following children who were awarded superstars for their tasks last week.

P1a – Zack for his symmetrical Spring picture.

P1b – Victoria for a beautiful Spring picture.

P1c – Oliver for his super Spring picture.

P2a – Ajay for his super aquarium.

P2b – Rory C for creating a fantastic quiz about sea urchins.

P2c – Finn for his fantastic acrostic poem about sharks.

P3a – Dylan for his Spring holiday photo story.

P3b – Callie for her excellent poster about bees.

P4a – Eoin for a super power-point about his Easter holidays.

P4b – Emily for excellent presentation about her Easter holidays.

P5a – John for his excellent personal writing.

P5b – Tessa for her creative art work.

P6a – Martha for her excellent descriptive account of her Easter holidays.

P6b – Matthew for seasonable similes.

P7a – Brooke for an excellent power-point.

P7b – Cameron for a super comparison between a Victorian classroom and a modern classroom.

Mrs Mckee and the teachers found it difficult to choose superstars as everyone is trying really hard with their activities at home.  We are therefore going to try something different next week to share more examples of the fantastic learning you are all doing at home. More details will follow from Mrs McKee by email.

Yogs Pose of the Day

Good morning everyone! Hope we all had a great weekend and enjoyed the sunshine 😀 Another week of home learning, we got this! Todays pose is:

‘Plank pose’.

Keep your arms straight and your back long and flat. As a mini challenge, see if you can hold your plank pose for 15-20 seconds!

Have a great Monday!

Quite a display!

How lovely the school looks with the display of rainbows and messages! Thank you to all of you for making the school such a special part of the community at this difficult time!

Yoga Pose of the Day

Good Morning everyone and happy Friday! 😀

Amazing effort from you all this week with your yoga poses, loved seeing them all 🙂 Todays pose is one of my favourites, the

‘Cobra Pose’.

Hope everyone has a fab weekend 😀

Keep smiling and stay positive! 🌈