ECC home learning

From today all ECC home learning will be posted on children’s individual blogs. Please look out for activities being provided daily by your child’s key worker and engage with these as much as possible. We would love to see photographs posted onto children’s blogs of them completing these tasks. Remember the main thing is to have fun during these activities. We look forward to seeing all your photo’s 🙂

Rights Respecting Schools COGS group success

Well done to the Rights Respecting Schools Group who, following an Environmental Walk through the bridge and up to Mount House, wrote an e-mail of complaint to East Ayrshire Council, copying in several councillors, about graffiti and evidence of vermin during their walk. As these photographs show, our campaign to make our local environment a safer, cleaner and more beautiful place to walk and exercise has had an impact. Council employees have immediately painted over the graffiti and are currently working out the safest way to get rid of the unwanted vermin. Here are some of the comments in the replies we received following our e-mail.

“Please pass on my thanks to the young people for bringing these matters to my attention and their desire to make the surrounding community a safe, green and friendly place for them to live, play and be educated,”   Councillor Tom Cook

” We support all efforts to make East Ayrshire, Kilmarnock and the particular local environment a safer, cleaner place and the efforts of the boys and girls are welcomed.”   Paul Todd, Service Manager, East Ayrshire Council Environmental Health.

Well done us!!! Particular thanks to the P6 and P7 RRS members who composed the e-mail.  I feel very proud of you all.                                 Mrs. McLaughland

ECC home learning – story to read today

Below is a link to a story which explains some of the effects that the coronavirus is having on our children. It is a child appropriate story. Feel free to share this story with your child and discuss the rhyming words in the story at home.

We would love for you to then create your own Dotty the nurse picture or Dave the Dog picture and post these on your individual blogs.

Microsoft Teams

As you will appreciate, due to the high level of users attempting to access Microsoft Teams this is causing problems with access to the programme. We hope things will begin to improve and we will keep you updated.

From the GFG to the ECC

We have posted a message to the P7s and the preschool children within the ECC have not been forgotten either. We have ordered all the ties for the P1 school your child will move on to and will ensure your child receives this tie before they start P1 in August. Good luck to all the Pre school children!

Much love, the GFG x

From the GFG to Primary 7

Message for our wonderful P7s and families from the GFG…

We know that the whole year has been a build up to your transition to secondary school. We know that you are emotional about moving on, excited and had dreams and plans of how these remaining months would go.

We also know, as a massive part of the Gargieston Community, these young people are upset and emotional about what their remaining months will be like in primary.

While this will bring disappointment – the whole GFG committee give you our absolute promise you will not miss out.

After communication with senior staff and class teachers, we would rather you have your party, tie ceremony and proper leavers’ arch the Gargieston way: together, in magnificent fashion and not a rushed make do.

We are hoping and praying that we will be back to normal before the summer, but if not you have to trust us to deliver our promise – in the summer, or a later date, in school or in the community. You WILL have these things; you WILL experience leaving primary school in a wonderfully positive and emotional way.

We WILL order ties and we WILL make sure you get them all.

We hope you can trust we will deliver this to you. We were guided and supported by the school senior staff in this message.

Keep well, have fun and we WILL give you the best leavers 2020 events when we can and when we can all do you justice.

Stay well, stay safe, keep your amazing community spirit and we WILL honour your young people, their achievements and transition.

Much love,the GFG x

School Closure

Following communication from our Head of Service to parents yesterday regarding school closures, we have had a large number of enquiries from parents regarding the definition of the term ‘key worker’ and what the provision will be for these children.  This is currently under discussion at Corporate level and we will communicate the information with you as soon as we have it.

May I remind you that the service we provide will not be a continuation of normal educational provision.  It has been made clear by Scottish Government and East Ayrshire Council that schools will only offer emergency and essential provision.

ECC Online Learning

The ECC will be posting activities for children to do with you on your child’s individual blog page. Please log into GLOW with your child’s details to see what activities they are suggesting.

Useful Websites

Here are few websites that you might find really useful in the coming weeks:



Health and Wellbeing

The Body Coach is offering free PE lessons to children during this time at 9am – log on to youtube.

ECC, Primary, BGE Website List