ECC Parents meetings

Our next set of parents meetings in the ECC to discuss children’s progress will take place next week:

Monday 27th January – Green group

Tuesday 28th January – Red group

Wednesday 29th January – Blue and Yellow groups

Thursday 30th January – Purple group

Friday 31st January – Orange group

If you haven’t done so already please make an appointment with your child’s keyworker.

School Choir Event

Our school choir have been invited to perform at the

4ward Together Celebrating Diversity Weekend


Saturday 1st February 2020

Take A Bow Opportunity Centre, Fraser Walk, Kilmarnock, KA3 7PH.

This is a fantastic free day for all of the family to attend. There will be lots of activities on offer.


The choir will be performing at 12noon. Children should meet Mr Hay at 11.45am and should be finished their performance by 12.30pm.

We would be grateful if you could complete this form by Tuesday 28th January if your child is available to attend.

Active Literacy Resources

With the new term well under way, staff and pupils are becoming more familiar with the methodology of Active Literacy and using more of the resources purchased using GFG money.

We thought this would be a good time to thank all of you for supporting the GFG and in particular the committee for giving up their own time to organise the discos, quiz nights, fun family days; collate Christmas card/ gift orders; prepare tea towel templates etc. Without their hard work we would not have been able to buy this huge bank resources from which all the children will benefit.

Class sets of novels – The Hodgeheg, The Borrowers, The Last Wolf, Holes, The Butterfly Lion, The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark; group sets of The Trouble With Dragons, Harris the Hero, Skye the Puffling, The Tiny Seed; games; cards; colourful storage drawers; folders and materials staff can use to build up a large bank of resources.

Dyslexia Friendly Schools Gold Award

See the source image

Following our assessors visit on 15th January 2020, I am delighted to share with you that we have maintained our Dyslexia Friendly Schools Gold Award.  The assessors commented on the lovely ethos of everyone working together to do the best for all pupils and the excellent systems in place from our ECC to P1 which ensures a smooth transition for all.

The panel identified many key areas of good practice and particularly enjoyed hearing about the work that is being developed across the school to support pupil Mental Health and Wellbeing.



Gargieston Fundraising Group

Did you know that our fabulous Gargieston Fundraising Group have a Facebook page?

Like and follow them to keep updated with their fundraising events and how the money they raise is used to enhance our school.

Supertstars p4-7

Superstars p1-3

Gargieston Football Team

Gargieston Football Team

Game V Whatriggs Primary

Wednesday 22nd January 2010

Grange Astro

Kick off 3.40pm

Pupils should make their own way up and can be collected from 4.40pm. Pupils have been given slips tonight.




P7 Burns Supper

The Primary 7 Burns Supper will take place on
Wednesday 5th February at 6:30pm.

Image result for robert burns

The P7s have already started practising their poems and musical pieces. Two adults per child are invited to come along and enjoy the night.
Please provide permission below.


Thank you!

A huge thank you for kindly giving at Christmas to our chosen charity – The Crosshouse Children’s Fund. We were delighted to be able to present to them a cheque for £554.17 at our Assembly on Monday.