Could you please check that your child has brought their own  jacket home from school?

Thank you.

Wider Achievement Assembly

Our first wider achievement assembly of the new session will take place on Monday 2nd September.

Lost property

We have had great help from pupils to sort out our huge pile of lost property!

This is now available for parents and carers to come and have a look

in our parents room.

Please come in and help yourself to a huge selection of out door coats.

Thanks !


Reminder – Drinks in school !

We would like to remind parents that pupils

should only be given plain water to bring into school

for the classroom.

No juices or fizzy drinks please.

Thank you.


Parent Council /GFG

Parent Council AGM

The first meeting of the new session to be held on

Tuesday 10th September at 7pm in Gargieston primary School.

This is a change of date.


The GFG meeting will be held in the Park Hotel

on  Sunday 8th September at 7.30pm.

This is also a change of date.



Gargieston Fundraising Group

Did you know that our fabulous Gargieston Fundraising Group have a Facebook page?

Like and follow them to keep updated with their fundraising events and how the money they raise is used to enhance our school.