ECC Care Home Dates

Dates for your diary:

Tuesday 14th May the AM visit to Springhill is cancelled due to staff holiday at the care home. Tuesday 14th May PM Howard house will visit the ECC.

Friday 17th May the AM visit to Springhill is cancelled due to staff holiday at the care home. Friday 17th May the PM Yellow group will be visiting Howard House.

Tuesday 21st May both care home visits are cancelled due to trip to Heads of Ayr Farm Park.

Friday 24th May the AM blue group will be visiting Springhill care home. Friday 24th May the PM green group will be visiting Howard House.

Tuesday 28th May the AM Purple group will be visiting Springhill Care Home. Tuesday 28th May the PM blue group will be visiting Howard House care home.

Friday 31st May the AM orange group will be visiting Springhill Care Home. Friday 31st May the PM red group will be visiting Howard House care home.

Tuesday 4th June the AM yellow group will be visiting Springhill care home. Tuesday 4th June the PM orange group will be visiting Howard House care home.

Friday 7th June the AM green group will be visiting Springhill care home. Friday 7th June PM Howard house will visit the ECC.

Partnerships with the Wider Community

At Gargieston Primary we are looking to promote effective learning through partnership working and to create wider community partnerships to provide real-life learning contexts.

“Working in partnership affords young people a broad range of opportunities and scope for greater personalisation and choice, with benefits for both the young person and the partner organisation. Working with each other, and with other partners such as parents, employers, public bodies and voluntary organisations, can help schools and other learning providers to make the most of their contribution and recognise their part in promoting lifelong learning” (Curriculum for Excellence – Building the Curriculum 4, 2009).

With all of the amazing expertise and skill set amongst our parents and friends of the school think of the endless opportunities we could create for our children.  Please follow the link below to complete a short questionnaire providing us with details of your place of work.

Cross Country Competition

Well done everyone who received an award for the cross country.


P4-7 Superstars

Well done everyone who achieved superstar status.

Wider Achievement

Well done Hope White for achieving success in Gymnastics.

P1-3 superstars

Well done to the people who achieved superstar status.

Letter to the Prime Minister

As part of P6’s John Muir award, Evie Dudgeon wrote a letter to Theresa May about looking after the environment.  She has received a reply from her Correspondence Officer.

Continue reading Letter to the Prime Minister

P1-3 and P4-7 Superstars

Here are the Superstars from last week’s assembly.

Well done to everyone!!

Orienteering reminder

Final orienteering practice today at Irvine Beech Park.   Come at 6:00pm (18:00).

Kick Start Music Weekend

We were delighted to host the Grange Cluster Kick Start Music programme at Gargieston this weekend.  The children performed with confidence and enthusiasm at their concert today – it was amazing to see how much they have learned over the weekend.  We were particularly proud of our Gargieston pupils who took part.

We hope that this wonderful opportunity will help our children to develop a love of music for life 🎶🎶