ECC Farm Park Trip


All AM children will be going to Heads of Ayr Farm park on Tuesday 21st May. Please arrive at the ECC for 9.00am as we will be leaving at 9.15am sharp. The bus will return to the ECC at 3.00pm.

Please ensure that children are dressed appropriately and have a disposable packed lunch with them in a carrier bag with their name clearly displayed.

There will be no PM session on this day

Prize Giving

Thank you so much to everyone who gave us opinions and feedback on our annual Prize Giving through the blog and at the parent forums. All your opinions were merged with those of staff and pupils to make changes to the current format. Feedback we received included:

  •  a strong opinion that a prize giving should still take place every June in the church
  •  nearly everyone would prefer to see more effort being awarded than ‘excellence’
  •  link our school values to an award
  •  many felt Art and Music should be there to recognise creativity
  •  one sport should not be picked out as having a Player of the Year as we have teams for many categories and age groups in 10 different sports
  • success in any school competitions should still be recognised e.g. sporting events, Writing competitions, photography awards.

With all these points taken into consideration you will see a very different Prize Giving this year. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with us and, also from feedback, we will ensure the children are clear as to what each award is for.

Mrs Lawson

Primary 1 Workshops

Thank you to everyone who came to our Primary 1 Curriculum workshops today. We hope you enjoyed this opportunity to learn alongside your children and enjoy exploring the activities in the packs together at home.

Walk To School Week 2019

Monday 20th May – Friday 24th May is walk to school week.

Here is the information for the week:

Monday- walk to school wearing odd socks

Tuesday- walk to school wearing a fun hat

Wednesday- walk to school wearing bright colours

Thursday- walk to school wearing sunglasses

Friday- walk to school wearing snazzy shoes

Image result for walk to school week clipart

Cricket success!

For the first time ever, we have been able to send a cricket team to an inter-schools competition. The team was selected from the upper school children who have attended the Wednesday after-school training or the curricular P6 work taught by volunteer, Mark Colman. Mark has a long cricketing history and his enthusiasm for the game is clear to see.

We are delighted to report that the team won the tournament today and have qualified for the Scottish finals in Perth later in the session! An amazing achievement! Thank you so much to Mark for giving up his time and well done to the team!

Primary 1 Workshops


P1 Workshop

We would like to invite you to join your child at a workshop to learn more about how you can support your child’s learning.  Following the workshop, you will be given a home pack complete with fun activities to play at home.

The workshops will take place on Friday 17th May at 9:15am and 2:30pm

We hope you will be able to join us in this opportunity to learn alongside your child and find out more about how you can support their learning at home.



Bug Club

We are currently experiencing some glitches with Bug Club since maintenance was carried out earlier this week. This has been reported to Pearson and will hopefully be resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.

Mrs Lawson


Play @ home sessions

Thank you to all the parents and children who attended todays sessions.

Next week will be our last play @ home session of the year and will be based of having fun with balloons so if you would like to attend this with your child please add your name to the list on the communication board.

P7 Transition Days

P7 Transition Days

Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June

Pupils will leave school at 8.55 sharp to walk to Grange , please ensure your child arrives for 8.50 at the latest.

Full school uniform.

Individual letters with full information have been emailed to parents.

Please give permission below for your child to attend.