Wider Achievements


Well done to our children in P1-3 who had their wider achievements recognised at assembly today.

★ Star of the Week ECC ★

Well done to last weeks Star of the Week winners for being kind friends in nursery 😀

P7 at Grange PE

Thanks to former pupil, Zoe Waddell, who organised a fun PE afternoon at Grange this week for Annanhill and Gargieston pupils. They were able to enjoy games of basketball, badminton etc and get to know some of the people who will be in their year group in August. A good time was had by all!

Netball Team

Well done to our fabulous P6-7 netball team. They came 2nd in an inter-school tournament at Shortlees Primary this week. Thanks must go to Kirsty Mackay for all her hard work and commitment training and coaching the team on Fridays after school.

Gargie Guides

Congratulations to these Primary 6 pupils who were successful in their application to be a Gargie Guide.

They are looking forward to spending time with the pre-schoolers in our ECC and will play a vital role in supporting the children as they prepare for their transition into Primary 1.

**Ayrshire College Trip**

P4A and P4B had a super trip on Wednesday 27th February.  They were finding out all about welding and computer programming where they got the chance to see how things were made.  They also had super fun learning all about dissolving, diluting, white light and watching how to make a fireball.  This was their favourite part!!