★ ECC Star of the Week ★

In the nursery we follow a Good to be Green system using green, yellow and red cards to promote positive behaviour within the setting. Every week we focus on one of our Nursery Golden Rules and a picture of this rule will be put on the Good to be Green board as a reminder.

On Friday we have Star of the Week where a child from each group receives a certificate as recognition for following the Golden rule of the week. This week we were focusing on having super ‘Walking feet’ in the nursery. Well done to all the winners this week!

Reach For The Stars Electives

As the children mentioned during the Reach for the Stars presentation, we have introduced ‘electives’ in school.

Mrs McKee and Mrs McLaughland consulted with the children to gather their views about which activities they would like to see on offer. Electives should be motivating and engaging for the children and activities that they really enjoy and look forward to participating in.  Mrs McKee was delighted to see so many active electives being proposed and has already met with our new Active Schools Co-ordinator, Cherryl Fulton, in order to offer as many varied sporting opportunities as possible.  There were also many other electives ideas suggested by the children from cooking and crafts to K,Nex and knitting!

We will do our best to offer a range of electives each block and keep our ideas fresh, creative and innovative therefore encouraging our children to ‘Reach for the Stars’!



Our Class Blog – P5A Mrs Kerr

Please visit our class page and follow the link to our new blog! We will regularly update with photos and important info.

Mrs Kerr & P5A

Car Parking

We would like to remind all parents and carers that there is

no parking

in the staff car park.

Thank You.

Bug Club – New Arrangements

This year , Bug Club

After School Homework Club

will be held on a Tuesday after school.

3.15 – 4.15.


Lunch time club will be on a THURSDAY

( please note change of day )


Thanks !!

We would like to thank Chloe Meechan and her family for tending to our school flower beds during the summer holidays.  Chloe is a keen gardener and gave up her own time to weed the gardens and prepare them for the new term.  You can see the fantastic results of her labour in the pictures below.

Thank you Chloe and we hope that your dedication to our gardens will inspire others to join our Gardening Club this session.


Chloe Meechan gardening photos



Reach for the stars

Did you find this useful? Please comment below.

We appreciate the sound quality is not great and we will be emailing the scripts out later today.

Purple and Orange group parents.

Here at the ECC we go through lots of liquid soap, tissues and kitchen roll each week. We would be very grateful if each child from the Purple and Orange group could kindly donate any of these items to help keep us going. The reason we are asking two groups per term is to stop our cupboards becoming overcrowded with these items.  Thank you

Parent Council Meeting



The next meeting of the Parent Council is on Tuesday 4th September at 7pm – 9pm in the school meeting room. It will include the AGM.  If you are interested in coming along for the first time to see what it’s all about you will be made very welcome. It is a friendly group and a great way to learn more about what goes on in our school. The Fundraising Group is also looking for new members. If you are interested in helping out in any way please come along next Tuesday and get involved.

If you can’t make the meeting but would like to help out please email us on gargiestonparentcouncil@gmail.com.”