Rights Respecting School Charity Donation Last week of collection. Can you help?

Hello, my name is Orla McAllister. Here, on the right, is my friend, Emma Simpson. I am in P6 and I am also a member of the Rights Respecting Schools Group. Over the Christmas holidays I found out about a charity in Kilmarnock called C.A.S.E. These letters means Caring and Sharing Effectively. They sell second hand items for money that is used to help people in need, for example homeless people, sometimes in our local area and sometimes abroad. I spoke to Mrs. McLaughland and told her I would like to help this charity. My friend, Emma Simpson and I made a powerpoint about C.A.S.E. to show at an assembly so that everyone would know what they could do to help.  We have quite a few bags of clothes and books but we would love more. This week is the last week. The bags will be collected from school by C.A.S.E. on Monday 26th March. Please click on the link below to see my powerpoint about how you can help.

Thanks, Orla and Emma

Homeless by Orla

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