Nursery Rhyme of the week…

Our Nursery Rhyme of the week is Little Jackie, Jack Frost and we have three Makaton signs we will learn within the song. Please feel free to try these out at home with your child. Makaton is fun for everyone and aids your child’s communication and language skills.

Happy New Year


On behalf of everyone at Gargieston Primary and Early Childhood Centre, I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year as we welcome the children back to school at the beginning of this new term.

Following Mrs Wright’s departure, the management structure of the school will revert to the arrangement that was in place while Mrs Wright was supporting Catrine Primary School, with myself as Acting Head teacher and Mrs. Lawson and Mrs Beveridge sharing the Acting Depute Head teacher role.

Mrs Campbell will remain as Principal Teacher but will take on more management duties. This arrangement will remain in place until the appointment of a new permanent Head teacher.

Parents of children who are in classes where staffing is affected by these changes, will be e-mailed. As a management team, we look forward to our new roles and working in partnership with all pupils and families.

Mrs. McLaughland




Happy New Year to everyone and I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.

Could I ask the boys and parents of P7 boys to all check they have the correct trousers home after PE today please? One of the boys, wearing a brand new pair of M&S aged 11-12 school trousers, has lost them after PE.

Perhaps the boys in Mrs Beveridge’s P4 class could also check theirs as they were in the changing rooms at a cross over point with P7.

A smaller pair was left and they certainly did not fit any P7.

Many thanks,

Mrs Lawson

ECC Donations Please

In the ECC we go through lots of liquid soap, hankies, wet wipes and kitchen roll.  We would greatly appreciate it if parents/carers could donate at least two of any of these items please.

To prevent us running out of storage, we ask that only Green and Orange group parents donate this time please.

Thank you