World War 2 Play

WW2 Play

Thursday 9th November

7pm – 8.15pm (approx.)

Two parents / friends of each Primary 7 child would be made most welcome at our play. Any Primary 6 children coming along to join in as a choir can also bring an adult with them.

Entry cost is a minimum donation of £2 per adult and will be payable on the night. All money collected will be donated to Poppy Scotland.

Primary 7 children should start arriving at 6.30pm or 6.45pm if already dressed in costumes. All children have been informed of the clothes they will be required to wear. Primary 6 children should arrive, dressed mainly in black please, at 6.45pm.

The children have also been invited to perform at a Kilmarnock District History Group meeting on Tuesday 28th November at 7.30 pm. It would be lovely to see as many of the Primary 7s as possible, also at this event. More details nearer the time.


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