Category Archives: Projects

Seafood Feast for Toward

Toward Primary senior class pupils recently had the very exciting opportunity to visit Loch Fyne Oyster Bar and Restaurant. The children started the day with a trip to see the different processes that the mussels and oysters go through in preparation for being sold.

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Sandbank Primary’s Eco-Committee

Sandbank Primary’s Eco-Committee requested a visit to their local waste handling facilities and were kindly given a tour of both facilities by Shanks Waste Disposal Company. They began by looking at the recycling facilities at Bogleha, where they saw the containers for electrical goods, metal, wood, paint, batteries, plastic bottles, soil and many more items. They heard that many items, such as electrical goods, go to Perth where they are broken down and precious metals from circuit boards are taken out.

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Port Ellen Panto

Port Ellen Primary hosted their annual Christmas fair on Saturday, a chance to have fun, meet friends, buy home made goods and meet Santa. Despite being in the middle of panto fever the school produced a great showing of goods and prizes for visiting friends and family.

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Philosophy News from Oban High School

Pupils from Oban High School’s Philosophy Club appeared at the town’s sheriff court yesterday. But thankfully the bright young things were only staging a mock trial, as they looked deeper into their studies on right and wrong.

The trial was fictitious, but was based on real Scottish law.
The case was of a woman accused of driving dangerously by knocking down a high school pupil and breaking both her legs.

Big Book Bash at Dalintober

To celebrate Scottish Book Week Dalintober Primary 1 children held a Big Book Bash. The children decorated biscuits and served these to their parents and grandparents along with some juice. The parents and grandparents enjoyed reading the books and looking at the activities the children had been working on. The children voted “Jumblebum the Monster who loves mess!” as their favourite book.

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Dunoon Primary Eco Schools Anti dog mess and cigarettesstub Campaign

Dear Readers,
Dunoon Primary’s Eco School’s Commitee 2012/2013 were delighted to receive their second Green Flag Award in the summer of 2013. Our Eco School’s assessor, Paul Love was delighted with all the Eco School improvements our school had made for e.g. further improvements to our Fairy Garden and was delighted to witness a real life mum and dad Coal Tit fly out of the newly designed bird house made by one of our P6 pupils and their grandfather last year. Continue reading Dunoon Primary Eco Schools Anti dog mess and cigarettesstub Campaign

School Grounds Day at St Joseph’s

Friday 22 November 2013 was a fantastic day at St. Joseph’s in Helensburgh as parents, pupils and staff joined forces to clean up and plant new life in the school grounds. Everyone from Pre-5 children to adults was involved in various activities throughout the morning. The Pre-5 and infant children were involved in sweeping leaves, picking up litter, weeding and planting flowers and trees whilst the eldest of these children (P3) cleaned up the outdoor classroom and got involved in raking and creating hanging baskets.

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Terrific Totem poles

The pupils at Strath of Appin Primary have been putting the finishes touches to their Clan Totem Poles – which now look fantastic! The Clans have demonstrated great examples of team-work and co-operation in our Clan Challenge afternoons. So far the clans have designed a clan banner, clan shield and now a clan totem pole. It’s been messy but fun as the children have pulled together their ideas to create a totem pole representing their clan, incorporating the interests of the pupils and the area/environment they live in.

Eco Week at Luss Primary

The pupils at Luss Primary have recently had their Eco Week. During the week the children took part in many activities which all the pupils thoroughly enjoyed. The activities ranged from finding out about beavers, making dams, taking cuttings from plants, having an eco picnic and going into the local woods. One of the activities they did in the woods was to use materials around them such as moss, leaves, grass, etc. to build a home for a mouse that would keep as much heat in as possible.

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Oban High School S3 Pupils Create Book Trailers for Scottish Book Trust

A talented group of S3 pupils from Miss Breuer’s class made some great trailers for the Scottish Book Trust to be used for the Scottish Book Awards. They are well worth a watch! Check out the links to see them on the Scottish Book Trust website HERE

Feedback has been brilliant. Caroline Clough (author of the nominated Black Tide) said “Loved the trailer – so atmospheric! Well done to Oban High School – a tremendous effort!” Continue reading Oban High School S3 Pupils Create Book Trailers for Scottish Book Trust

Nature of Scotland Awards 2013

On Wednesday 30th October representatives from SNAPBERRY, the photography collaboration between Lochgilphead High School and SNH, attended a black tie function in Edinburgh for the RSPB Nature of Scotland awards.
The group had been nominated and shortlisted in the largest category, the Community Initiative award, and faced fierce competition from projects across Scotland. We were absolutely thrilled to be runners-up and recieve a Highly Commended award which will have pride of place in the school trophy cabinet.
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Wonka’s Surprise

St. Joseph’s Golden Tickets!

Such is the ethos at St. Joseph’s that when one class starts a project…..we all get involved!! Happily that includes the entire school family and this week it was the turn of the catering staff to help develop the new P5 Interdisciplinary study ‘Wonka’s Surprise’. Canteen supervisor Sue and her staff took an enterprising view of the month’s ‘theme day’ to create a Willy Wonka style lunch.

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Park Primary Apple Day

Park Primary School celebrated their second Apple Day since the creation of the school orchard which was funded by Grounds for Learning and Heritage Lottery Fund.
Both pupils and staff showed great imagination dressing up for the theme of the day ‘British Grown Fruit and Vegetables’. And what a variety it was: blueberries, broccoli, apples, tomatoes, strawberries, potatoes, carrots and even a runner bean (school janitor) that did laps around the hall and put smiles on everyone’s faces. Continue reading Park Primary Apple Day

Achaleven Adventures

We had heard that an amazing plane was coming to visit Connel Airport. As it was just along the road, we decided to go for a visit. Not only did we get a visit inside the Catalina, we also learned some fantastic facts from members of the crew. We were also very surprised to see vintage cars parked around the plane. We had so many questions about the plane and the cars that we decided to tackle a topic on Transport – Then and Now.

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The British Ecological Society Centenary Awards : Success for Kirn School

Three former pupils of Kirn Primary School travelled down to Birmingham with their former teacher, and some friends and family members to attend the Centenary Awards Ceremony of The British Ecological Society at The Think Tank Science Museum on Thursday, 26th September.

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Pupils attend Q&A session with ‘Chief Internet Evangelist’ Dr. Vint Cerf

Four pupils from Dunoon Grammar School recently attended a question and answer session with Dr Vinton G Cerf, an American computer scientist, who is recognised as one of only two “fathers of the Internet” and is currently employed as Google’s Chief Internet Evangelist.


DGS Pupils Capture the Biggest Highland Games in the world?

School TV crew film at games for future broadcast

A team from Dunoon Grammar School’s DGSTV initiative are working hard in school during lunchtimes to edit and produce a range of videos from footage recorded at last month’s marvellous Cowal Highland Gathering.

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Small Isles visit Glasgow

As part of their work about Crofting Connections, the P5-7 at Small Isles Primary school had a very exciting day when they went to the Kelvingrove museum in Glasgow on Tuesday 17th September. They went to attend a party to open their exhibition which was about crofting in the past, present and future on Jura. Lots of people who had connections with Jura came to see it too. The P5-7s also took part in a Rainforest Explorers work shop which was great fun. They looked around the museum all day long and had a VIP guided tour around it. Continue reading Small Isles visit Glasgow

Tobermory P6/7, Renewable energies on Mull

Mr Finch from Mull and Iona Community Trust came to our class on 17th September to talk to us renewable energies on Mull and show us the Nissan Leaf.

Firstly Mr Finch judged our ‘car of the future’ competition. We had lots of ideas like solar powered, wind powered, hydro powered and biothermal cars. The winner was Finn’s Cow Pat Car. Mr Finch liked the idea of using the methane in cow pats to power a car and thought it would put cow pats to good use.

Continue reading Tobermory P6/7, Renewable energies on Mull