Wonka’s Surprise

St. Joseph’s Golden Tickets!

Such is the ethos at St. Joseph’s that when one class starts a project…..we all get involved!! Happily that includes the entire school family and this week it was the turn of the catering staff to help develop the new P5 Interdisciplinary study ‘Wonka’s Surprise’. Canteen supervisor Sue and her staff took an enterprising view of the month’s ‘theme day’ to create a Willy Wonka style lunch.

On Monday great excitement ensued as the children approached the dining hatch because, in amongst the very nutritious and well balanced meal, was a treat…a small chocolate bar. However, in 7 of these bars was a ‘golden ticket’, reminiscent of the golden tickets in ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ book. One by one the golden tickets were ‘found’ and great cheers emanated from the children. Next day each person with a golden ticket got a special prize from the catering staff and everyone partook of a special chocolate style ‘sweet course’. In addition, to enter into the true spirit of the day, the catering staff all dressed up as oompah loompahs! Fantastic fun and a real chance for P5 to have their new study brought to life….well done to the catering staff of St Joseph’s for their creative approach and genuine interest in the children’s learning!

6 thoughts on “Wonka’s Surprise

  1. The buzz in the school on both days was electric! The children were so excited at the chance of finding a golden ticket. Everyone cheered when each ticket was found! Well done to the catering staff.

  2. Wow, St Joseph’s, I am drooling just reading this. Were Staff given the chance to win a Golden Ticket? I have visited Cadbury World in England and you were allowed to sample lots and lots of different choccie bars as well as watching the Staff at work preparing different kinds of chocolate.

  3. Ooh, I can just imagine the excitement and anticipation as each golden ticket was revealed. I’m sorry I missed it but well done to all involved with a magical learning experience.

  4. Hi I’m one of the pupils of ST Joseph’s primary school and I can tell you that everyone including me were very excited to see if we had one a golden ticket

  5. Hi I was pretty disappointed that I never got a golden ticket grrrrrrrrr. But it was really exciting to see if I won the ticket

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