Category Archives: Literacy

Every trunk feels like a baked potato – Patchwork Nursery Do Poetry

Walking With Poets is a residency opportunity for four poets. The project involves setting up poetry residencies at the four Gardens of the Royal Botanic Garden one of which is at Benmore, Argyll.

The Argyll poet, Sue Butler spent a morning with children from Patchwork Nursery, Dunoon. The children split up into two groups and spent some time walking around the garden and talking about what they could see, hear, smell and feel… Continue reading Every trunk feels like a baked potato – Patchwork Nursery Do Poetry

Campus Eco Schools Success

The Lochgilphead Joint Campus Eco Schools Committee have joined the Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) Campaign for School Gardening and are reaping the benefits by reaching Level 3 of the organisations Benchmarking Scheme. This was achieved by providing evidence of pupil’s class work, putting a holiday maintenance scheme in place for the campus garden, growing a range of plants (see table by clicking HERE)  adopting sustainable gardening practices, using appropriate signs and labels for seedlings & plants in the campus garden and finally showing the pupils in action using all of their gardening skills. Continue reading Campus Eco Schools Success

Wordsmith Holly ‘seas’ off the competition

Holly Smith, first year student of Lochgilphead High School, was selected out of 74,000 entries to take part in the next stage of the Chris Evans’ 500 Word Short Story competition.
The nationwide competition held by the Radio 2 breakfast show was open to any pupil under the age of 14 that could invent an imaginative storyline. Holly came up with the concept of her story whilst doing a class exercise in English, and her piece was specially chosen to be included in the shortlist of the top 50 entrants.
Continue reading Wordsmith Holly ‘seas’ off the competition

Celebration of Art Exhibition at John Logie Baird

Last week we held Our Celebration of Art exhibition in school. Since late November we have been working closely with our Local Art Group to provide quality learning experiences for our children through the medium of art.
Teachers planned a series of lessons that built in problem solving, creativity, discovery, challenge and in some cases maths!

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Edmodo Joint Project with Cardross and Rosneath

Cardross and Rosneath Primary have formed a joint Edmodo group this term. The pupils in P5 & P6 and their teachers, Miss Boyd and Miss Travers, have been moderating writing, setting each other photo challenges and completing various eco and work projects. We have had great fun and look forward to inviting other schools onboard in the future.

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Macbeth at Kilmodan Primary School

Last week Kilmodan Primary School had another successful tearoom. We have been running a tearoom for the last three years. This year we are raising money for our school to go to Edinburgh for two days. While we are there we will be going to the zoo, Edinburgh Castle and we hope to go to the cinema. The children do home baking for every tearoom and serve the tea and coffee. It is a great time for the whole community to get together.
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‘Expert Tuition from Dunoon Grammar Schools Pupils’

Dunoon Primary School were assisted by 4 DGS pupils and Mr Shaw to get the Skillsbook programme up and running. The four students Steven, Keith, Heather and Ben worked really diligently and enthusiastically with our P6 and P5 pupils. The children loved learning this new exciting project and can’t wait to do more with the programme. The comments from our pupils were ‘Terrific, Cool, Can’t wait to get started!’
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Rothesay World Record Postcard Event.

Rothesay World Record Postcard Event.
Please participate in this event along with the pupils from Kilmodan Primary (and many others!) who produced these beautiful postcards pictured here.
The address to send your postcard to is:
19, Montague street,
Isle of Bute Continue reading Rothesay World Record Postcard Event.

Victoria Postcard Project

This project is part of the Rothesay Town Heritage Initiative, celebrating Rothesay’s Victorian past. Argyll and Bute Primary children from Kilmodan, St Mun’s, Toward, North Bute and St Andrew’s have already been participating during May. This has involved interdisciplinary activities such as using traditional, Victorian style dip pens and ink, drawing and writing postcards, and, some ‘pop up history’ from a Victorian visitor from Rothesay in the year 1887.

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Disastrous Dining!

As part of our book study on ‘Billionaire Boy’ by David Walliams we had to organise, plan and help cook a themed lunch. We were making this lunch because in the book there is a character called Mrs Traffe. She is the school cook and makes horrid lunches like wasp soup, gerbils on toast, hair lasagne, brick cutlet, deep-fried cardboard and sweet cake.

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Pirate Day’ at Dalintober Primary

A special ‘Pirate Themed Day’ for pupils in Pre-5, Primary 1, Primary 1/2 and Primary 2 of Dalintober Primary School was a huge success! This followed an Active-Learning based IDT which saw pupils using literacy, numeracy, social studies and expressive arts skills to explore the world of pirates. Pupils and staff enjoyed dressing up as pirates for the day, talking like pirates and participating in activities like ‘Walking The Plank!’ and ‘Pin The Patch On The Pirate’ – a great celebratory outcome of a fun learning topic!

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Come and Play Week at the Stramash Outdoor Nursery

It’s been a busy week at the Stramash Outdoor Nursery, with over 60 parents and carers joining the children in the great outdoors. Lots of seeds and flowers have been planted, as well as making flower pots out of recycled cans. Parents have been involved in storytelling and some have even been climbing the trees with the children and making mud stew in their outdoor kitchen.

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“I hope there are many more Learning Festivals!”

“I hope there are many more Learning Festivals!”, “ It’s a great way to discover what your child is learning and being able to join in!”, “ The school was buzzing with excitement!” These were just a few of the comments from parents and friends of Bowmore Primary School. Inspired by the SECC Learning Festival, Bowmore Primary decided to hold their very own Learning Festival on May 3rd for parents to attend. This was a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to share many aspects of their learning with friends and family.

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Dervaig Primary School

Primary 4-7 have been learning about Japan. Today we were very lucky to have a visit from Mr & Mrs MacKinnon. Mrs MacKinnon is Japanese and shared with us her knowledge of life in Japan. She talked about her school days and the many celebrations that happen throughout the year. Mr MacKinnon worked in Japan teaching English and gave us an insight into living in a Japanese village. The pupils played an exciting game to help learn a very simple alphabet. We finished the morning doing origami when we all made a samari helmet.

Author , Kenneth Steven, at Lochnell

We were delighted to have a visit from children’s author Kenneth Steven just before we closed for the holiday. Author of wonderful stories like Fergus Finds a Friend, The Biggest Thing in the World and The Sea Mice and the Stars chose to visit Lochnell Primary INSTEAD of travelling to Norway where he was to be awarded Best Children’s Picture Book of the year.

Continue reading Author , Kenneth Steven, at Lochnell

Tobermory High – BBC Schools’ News Report

On Thursday 21st March students from S1 and S2 took part in the BBC’s School Report, making two news reports. One group made and completed a report on the importance of our ferries to everyday life on Mull. They had already been to Craignure and interviewed some of the staff at the port and some of the crew of the Isle of Mull including the Captain. They managed to meet the 2.00 editing deadline so that their report could go live on News Day. Continue reading Tobermory High – BBC Schools’ News Report

Author Keith Charters visits Kirn Primary

With World Book Day still fresh in our minds, with support from Scottish Book Trust and the PTA, three authors visited Kirn Primary School. On Monday 25th March P5 and P6 were treated to a lively session with author and publisher Keith Charters. Keith read exciting bits and disgusting bits from his books, spoke about writing books, how to get ideas, how to make an action sandwich and how he became a writer himself. He also explored our Space topic, and gave insights we may not have thought of on how to live in zero gravity, as demonstrated by Lee in “Lee on the Dark Side of the Moon”. Two lucky winners also went home with signed copies of his book. Continue reading Author Keith Charters visits Kirn Primary

Burns Competition at Kilninver

On 11th Feb over 200 children from the Lorne area came together to compete in a range of Burns competitions that had been organised by the pupil councils of Rockfield, Lochnell and Kilninver Primary schools and over 400 entries were received.

The event was held in the Argyllshire Gathering halls and the adjudicators came from the local Burns club who had donated £500 towards the costs of the day.

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Teddies at Beddies at Rothesay Primary

Rothesay Primary recently presented Primary 2 with their special teddies. The teds are special because there is nothing they like better that a good book! The children and their parents and carers have all promised to look after their bears by reading them at least one book per week and remembering to change the books every week at the library.

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Rockfield Primary School National Writing Competition

Some of our Primary 6 and 7 pupils were delighted to hear that they had been awarded prizes after taking part in a national writing competition. The children entered a writing competition organised by Scottish Ballet that was based on the story of Hansel and Gretel.

Lots of fantastic pieces of work were produced by the classes involved and lots of hard work and effort that was put into the pieces of writing so everyone was delighted when a letter arrived to the school to inform us that one of our pupils was a winner!

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