Category Archives: Curriculum for Excellence

Mid-Argyll pupil council ‘Reading is Fun’ event

Furnace and Minard  Reading is fun 1 Pupil councilThe children in the Mid-Argyll pupil council have been working together over the last few months to organise a ‘Reading is Fun’ event.
They ran two competitions, one for children in 1st level and one for 2nd Level to come up with a book character to encourage reading in these age groups.

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Nature Play at Rhino Camp

Rhunahaorine Nature Play 1Children in the Early Level at Rhunahaorine have been exploring the local woodland and burn at our new base, which we have decided to call Rhino Camp. We have been enjoying extended imaginative play sessions, developing language skills, cooperation and negotiation and motor skills. We have been learning to manage risk and challenge.

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Flying the Flag at Luss!

Luss Flag March 2016Luss Primary was visited recently by Argyll & Bute MP, Brendan O’Hara, who presented the children with their flag which they designed for the Westminster Flag project. The project marks the 750th anniversary of the Montfort Parliament, where elected representatives came together for the first time paving the way to the House of Commons we know today.

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Green Flag – Drumlemble Primary

Drumlemble Green Flag March 2016Drumlemble Primary School are delighted to announce that they have been awarded their third green flag. All of the children in the school have been working incredibly hard to achieve this. It has been wonderful to see all of the children fully involved in working towards their targets. Next term the children will build Eco into their Inter Disciplinary Learning and will work together to improved the school grounds. The children would like to thank Mrs McAlister and Mrs Black for their hard work and dedication in order to help them be to achieve this.

Clachan and Skipness are Ocean Explorers!

SAMSOn Tuesday the 23rd of February, the pupils of Clachan and Skipness Primary Schools had a fascinating visit to the Ocean Explorer Centre.

We have been learning about marine biology and RV technology in our recent IDL and during our personal learning time, so it was exciting to get a behind the scenes tour of the research at SAMs. Continue reading Clachan and Skipness are Ocean Explorers!

Southend Primary Gets Third Green Flag!

Southend ECO Flag 1 2016At Southend Primary School and ELCC we have been awarded our 3rd green flag! Our Eco Group have been monitoring litter in the playground, improving both playground areas by introducing a pond, wild flower area and grass for outdoor studies. The Pavillion has had recycled bottles put into the windows to reduce the draught. The Wendy House, Pavillion, benches and gardening boxes have all been repainted and we had fun measuring and marking games on the playground.

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Burns Lunch at Southend School

Southend Burns Supper 1 2016Southend Primary held a Burns Lunch on Tuesday 26th of January. All children took part, reciting poems, making speeches, playing the chanter, singing and dancing. We all enjoyed the haggis, neeps and tatties with our guests.

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Strachur Primary ‘Walk to Rio’

Strachur Walk to Rio 1Strachur Primary and Pre-5 have started a challenge – to walk the 6000 miles to Rio, where this year’s Olympic Games will be held. We have been doing laps of the playground and have figured out that 7 laps is approximately one mile. Last week we managed to walk 250 miles! The children (and staff) enjoy the exercise and we have also been learning about Rio in the classroom.

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DGS Debates on Trident

DGS Trident debate picture2On Friday the 18th December, the pupils of Dunoon Grammar School took part in a whole school debate on ‘should the UK government renew Trident?’ This was the culmination of three weeks of preparation, research and speech writing for everyone involved.

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Bowmore Primary’s Heavenly Nativity!

Bowmore Christmas NativityOur Round Church in Bowmore was buzzing on the evening of the 21st of December. Not only downstairs was full, but the upper seats were being taken as well! Our Nativity and Carols by Candlelight Service was being presented there this year. It seemed extra special and very fitting to hold our nativity in the Round Church. It was lovely to be greeted by our school flautists – they had very nicely set the tone for the evening and again played as we left after the service along with other members of the Primary Wind Band.
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The Christmas show Presented By Southend Primary

Southend Picture 1On Thursday the 10th of December Southend Primary and ELCC unit put on a play called ‘What a Star’ and ‘Christmas Is Forever’. ‘What A Star’ featured a small star called Leo who was bullied and laughed at because of his size, but God sent an angel who told Leo to be the star that shone above the stable where Jesus was lying in a manger full of hay. This resulted in Leo becoming the most special star of all time.

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Bowmore Primary P4/5 Christmas Choir

Bowmore christmas choir photo 1This term our class practised singing Christmas songs and made a Christmas Choir. We sang lots of different songs. The songs were All Around the World, Away in a Manger, The Animals in the Stable, Jingle Bells, Christmas Dinner and Merry Christmas Everyone. We went down to the brilliant Co-op to sing our songs to the happy shoppers.

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Strone Primary visit to Morrisons

Strone  Visit to Morrisons Dec 2015The P5-7 class enjoyed a look behind the scenes at Morrisons store in Dunoon, as part of their Food For Thought project. Pupils were given a tour of the food preparation areas, and found out about local produce and food journeys. They were also given a front of house experience on the check-out! Afterwards the pupils managed to fit in some carol singing to raise funds towards their residential next summer.

Cooking up a Storm!

Strone PS Cooking up a stormOn December 8th the P4-7 class at Strone Primary School went to West College in Greenock to practise their cooking skills in preparation for their Community Restaurant Evening at The Pier Hotel in Kilmun.

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The Button Box

Kilcreggan Concert 2Pupils at Kilcreggan Primary recently entertained Parents and friends with a production of “The Button Box”. This fun musical is based around a story about two children staying with their grandparents who become bored on a rainy day. They knock Grandma’s button box over spilling an array of buttons onto the floor. They ask Grandma to tell them where all the buttons came from and the story behind each button is revealed in a song.

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Interdisciplinary Learning at Rockfield Primary School

Rockfield PS pirates 1Over the last term the children of Rockfield Primary have been learning a great deal through their interdisciplinary topics based on our overarching theme of “Adventure, Exploration and Innovation” Children in the early level have been learning about Pirates,

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Scottish Book Week at Dalintober PS and ELCC

Dalintober P7 SBW 4Pupils in Dalintober PS and ELCC recognised and celebrated Scottish Book Week through a whole-school project which culminated in a ‘Sharing Our Learning’ assembly. Activities included reading and voting on the finalised books for the book awards, ‘Dress as your favourite book character’, reading and creating Scots’ texts and researching the history of Scots’ language and the meanings of key words and phrases.

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St. Andrew’s Ceilidh

Easdale Primary School Orchestra playing at St. Andrews CeilidhOn Monday 30th November Easdale Primary School celebrated St Andrew’s Day with a Community Ceilidh in Seil Community Hall. Our Strings Orchestra led by Miss Hazel Clark played a selection of tunes. All the children sang some Scottish songs and led the Scottish dancing.

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