Category Archives: School trips

Achaleven Adventures

We had heard that an amazing plane was coming to visit Connel Airport. As it was just along the road, we decided to go for a visit. Not only did we get a visit inside the Catalina, we also learned some fantastic facts from members of the crew. We were also very surprised to see vintage cars parked around the plane. We had so many questions about the plane and the cars that we decided to tackle a topic on Transport – Then and Now.

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Port Ellen Pre Five, Our trip to the finlaggan

This term at Port Ellen Pre Five Unit Christopher, Caillin, William, Connor, Katyn, Robyn, Phoenix and Dylan have been reading the fantastic Katie Morag books by Mairi Hederwick. They say;
We love the books and have decided to learn about floating and sinking, ferry boats and we’ve been comparing our lives on Islay to Katie Morag’s on Struay. We have even made our own ferries with help from Caillin’s dad Donald.

Continue reading Port Ellen Pre Five, Our trip to the finlaggan

Islay and Jura Schools Stramash

The P6/7 children from Islay and Jura had a fantastic four days from 24th – 27th September with the Stramash Team, in and around Oban. A brilliant range of activities including coasteering, archery, dinghy sailing and climbing, challenged everyone (including the staff!). The Stramash staff supported us all to do our best, and the team at the Oban YHA looked after us brilliantly. New friendships were made and others rekindled after the Stirling Trip in May. We’re looking forward to lots of shared learning over the rest of this session.

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Our Primary 7 pupils visited Ardmay Outdoor Centre for a three-day residential course from 24th – 27th September. They had a great time, discovering new talents, making new friends and bulding on existing friendships. During their stay they undertook their Dynamic Youth Award.


Dunoon Primary School Visit Castle House Museum

Dunoon Primary School’s P5 class visited the Castle House Museum on Thursday 3rd October as part of their Interdisciplinary Topic about Cowal. The children enjoyed learning about Cowal in the past and comparing the differences between now and then! The exhibits they enjoyed most were the film show, replica of the inside of Highland Mary’s House, Victorian Classroom and looking at all the paddle steamers that used to sail up and Doon the Watter!!

Continue reading Dunoon Primary School Visit Castle House Museum

Rockfield P2 visit Oban Fire Station

As part of our “People Who Help Us” topic, the P2 classes visited Oban Fire Station this week. The children were split into two groups, one had a presentation about the role of the Fire Service and how to keep themselves safe in their homes. The other group got to look around the fire engine, climb inside and play with some of the buttons. The children also tried on the fire officer’s uniforms and each had a turn of using the hose, aiming for a traffic cone.

Continue reading Rockfield P2 visit Oban Fire Station

The British Ecological Society Centenary Awards : Success for Kirn School

Three former pupils of Kirn Primary School travelled down to Birmingham with their former teacher, and some friends and family members to attend the Centenary Awards Ceremony of The British Ecological Society at The Think Tank Science Museum on Thursday, 26th September.

Continue reading The British Ecological Society Centenary Awards : Success for Kirn School

“I learned that art is really meaningful and emotional”

This term P7 at Kirn have been finding out about local artists and were fortunate to be invited by Louise Brennan-Stewart to have an afternoon looking around her gallery in Gourock. The Seagull Gallery is the largest private gallery in Inverclyde and houses original art and prints from both local and well known artists. Mrs Brennan-Stewart took P7 around the gallery pointing out some local and internationally known artists, such as Peter Howson. Continue reading “I learned that art is really meaningful and emotional”


On Friday of last week some very excited children from our school arrived at the Your Radio Studios in Dumbarton. The visit was part of our Interdisciplinary topic on Entertainment.


Beaming Barcaldine Boys

Smiling faces all round this morning when three boys arrived with their medals to school this morning. Well done to Ewan MacPherson and Fergus and Callan Taylor for participating in The Dalriada Tournament on Sunday 29th September. The boys from Barcaldine Primary School travelled to the Isle of Mull yesterday as part of the Taynuilt’s Rugby team – Etive Vikings. The boys played very well and got 1st place.

Congratulations boys!!

Luing Trip to the Falkirk wheel

The first and second level pupils from Luing Primary School had a fabulous trip to the Falkirk Wheel. They experienced going on the Wheel, learned how canals were built and had lots of fun in the play park and water park. My favourite part was on the wheel. We went on a huge canal boat that went extremely slowly. Once we were on the wheel it only took four minutes to go from the Forth and Clyde Canal to the Union Canal. It was so amazing and it was so quiet for its size. On the Union Canal we went through a massive tunnel called the Roughcastle Tunnel. Continue reading Luing Trip to the Falkirk wheel


Pupils enthral International Audience

Pupils from Dunoon Grammar School again played a key role at a significant International Reception hosted by Education Scotland at the City Chambers, Glasgow last week. The Dunoon Grammar School Pipe Band and Highland Dancers entertained a distinguished audience consisting of educationalists from across the globe, including Scotland’s own Minisiter for Learning and Skills, Alasdair Allan MSP.



Pupils attend Q&A session with ‘Chief Internet Evangelist’ Dr. Vint Cerf

Four pupils from Dunoon Grammar School recently attended a question and answer session with Dr Vinton G Cerf, an American computer scientist, who is recognised as one of only two “fathers of the Internet” and is currently employed as Google’s Chief Internet Evangelist.


Small Isles visit Glasgow

As part of their work about Crofting Connections, the P5-7 at Small Isles Primary school had a very exciting day when they went to the Kelvingrove museum in Glasgow on Tuesday 17th September. They went to attend a party to open their exhibition which was about crofting in the past, present and future on Jura. Lots of people who had connections with Jura came to see it too. The P5-7s also took part in a Rainforest Explorers work shop which was great fun. They looked around the museum all day long and had a VIP guided tour around it. Continue reading Small Isles visit Glasgow

Port Charlotte at Mod Dhalriada

Mòd Dhailriada 2013

On the 21st of September we went to the Lochgilphead Mòd for a day trip. The choir went to sing in the unison competition and the puirt a beul. We came third in the unison competition and in the puirt a beul we came joint first along with Bowmore Primary School.

Continue reading Port Charlotte at Mod Dhalriada

John Logie Baird P7 visit to The Scottish Parliament

Primary 7 at John Logie Baird Primary School made the long trip through to Edinburgh recently to visit the Scottish Parliament. After a visit to the Education Centre where we learned about the history of the parliament in Scotland and where asked to use our brains, we went on a tour of the building. We were lucky enough to be allowed into the Debating Chamber and learned many interesting facts about that room such as where the Presiding Officer sits and just how busy the reporters for the parliament are! Did you know they have to write down every word that is spoken inside the Debating Chamber? Continue reading John Logie Baird P7 visit to The Scottish Parliament

Strone Eco Reps visit the Scottish Parliament on Holyrood Apple Day

On Wednesday 18th October, 3 of our Eco Committee attended the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh for Holyrood Apple Day. We went with Merle from the Ardentinny Walled Garden Project to present apples picked from the garden. We had new varieties as well as apples from the old Victorian apple tree in the garden.

Our P1-4 class had been to pick the apples from Ardentinny on Monday and had baked apple flapjacks for people to try. Continue reading Strone Eco Reps visit the Scottish Parliament on Holyrood Apple Day

SLF training at Dunoon Grammar

16 pupils from Dunoon Grammar and Dunoon Primary took part in a training day to prepare them for hosting the Argyll & Bute stand at the SLF.
The theme of the stand this year is our SAL blog and the training included demonstrating SAL on iPads and learning techniques for engaging with visitors to the stand.
The pupils displayed a deep knowledge of IT and throughout the day they developed confidence in presenting SAL. Continue reading SLF training at Dunoon Grammar

Felting at Benmore Gardens

On Thursday 5th September P5 and P7 spent an amazing day at Benmore Botanical Gardens with their teachers and support staff. On Friday 6th September P6/5 and P7/6 also enjoyed a fabulous day at Benmore. Cath and Katie from the Education Service in Edinburgh’s Botanical Gardens were the superb instructors during the visits. Each class got the fantastic opportunity to make felt, incorporating an image of a plant or greenery. These had been freshly picked from the gardens to provide inspiration for the felting project.

Continue reading Felting at Benmore Gardens