“I learned that art is really meaningful and emotional”

This term P7 at Kirn have been finding out about local artists and were fortunate to be invited by Louise Brennan-Stewart to have an afternoon looking around her gallery in Gourock. The Seagull Gallery is the largest private gallery in Inverclyde and houses original art and prints from both local and well known artists. Mrs Brennan-Stewart took P7 around the gallery pointing out some local and internationally known artists, such as Peter Howson. Our pupils then had an opportunity to chose one piece of art, painting or other material, to sketch.

Some of the comments our P7s made after the visit were very insightful:
“I learned that art is really meaningful and emotional”
“The picture which really caught my heart was by Gregor Adams”
“I liked art before but now I love it”
“I learned that art is not made from just paints, but can be made from bike chains, bandages and concrete.”
“I learned that you can make art from almost anything and let your feelings out when you draw”
“I learned that art doesn’t have to look like something, it can express feelings. I learned that art doesn’t have to be complicated, it can be really simple like stained glass windows.”

One thought on ““I learned that art is really meaningful and emotional”

  1. This sounds like a great idea! I wish I could have come with you, I love visiting galleries and it seems that you got the most from it. Thanks for sharing your comments too.

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