Category Archives: School trips

Scanning article

Aspiring farmers at Toward Primary have recently been helping one of the local farmers scan his sheep to discover whether or not the sheep are in lamb and, if so, how many lambs they are going to have. They really enjoyed the experience and gained an insight into why farmers need to feed certain sheep at this time of year and why some get fed more than others according to how many lambs they are going to have. Continue reading Scanning article

Scottish Schools ski qualifier – Nevis Range

On Thursday 7th February, a team of four skiers, Isla Fowler, Lawrence Lister, Connor McIntyre and Patrick Feeney from the high school, entered a ski competition at Nevis Range ski centre. After a very early start, 6:15am, we arrived in good time to have a warm up and study the slalom course. Weather conditions were good with little wind and the early morning mist lifting to give good visibility for most of the runs. Continue reading Scottish Schools ski qualifier – Nevis Range

Barcaldine Bookbug Visit

P2 and 3 children of Barcaldine Primary School went along to Oban High School yesterday morning to participate in a Bookbug song and storytelling session. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and even managed to get a picture taken with Bookbug!! Many thanks to Oban High School, Early Years Team, Oban Library and CAST for such an entertaining day – even the adults sang along!!

St Joseph’s P7 Trip to Ardlui

P7 of St Joseph’s Primary in Helensburgh arrived safely at Loch Lomond Outdoor Centre on Monday for their residential week of ‘outdoor learning’. After some refreshments, they were on course for a full day of activities. On offer for groups the first day was archery, hill walking and compass work. The children were enthralled by the hill-walking in particular as they were lead up the hills and passed by a waterfall, with one of the children describing the experience as ‘Epic’. One other child commented that he hadn’t understood the term ‘hill-walking’ until he was involved in it himself! Continue reading St Joseph’s P7 Trip to Ardlui

John Logie Baird Primary 7 Scottish Parliament visit

Primay 7 at JLB Primary recently visited the Scottish Parliament as part of their Social Studies work this term. After a very informative talk about the role of the Scottish Parliament and its history, they were given a tour of the building. They were allowed to go into the Debating Chamber to see where everyone sits when they have something to discuss. The children were allowed to look at the Mace presented to the Parliament on its opening by the Queen and see the words engraved upon it “There shall be a Scottish Parliament”. Continue reading John Logie Baird Primary 7 Scottish Parliament visit

crofting connections Strachur

Tighnabruaich, Toward and Strachur Primary schools had an amazing day at Strachur Memorial Hall taking part in a Crofting Connections day.
There were various activities such as felting, quilting and willow and paper weaving. We enjoyed tasting fish and sea food and learning about the salmon’s life-cycle. We found out how to ‘waulk’ the cloth, card wool, use drop spindles, weave, and learned lots of sheep and wool facts. Continue reading crofting connections Strachur

Christmas Shopping at Strone – Maths in Context!

Representatives from our Primary 4-7 classes at Strone Primary School went to the local supermarket today to buy food for the school Christmas party. We all chose the food that we wanted and then the group used their maths skills to make sure that we stayed within our budget and made the most of all the 2 for 1 offers in the supermarket. We used our mental maths skills then checked with a calculator. We used our skills in multiplication, division, fractions and problem solving to make the most of our money. It was tricky to keep a track of everything we bought, but we did very well and even had 50p left over! We hope everyone will enjoy the lovely food we bought, at our party tomorrow.

Merry Christmas shoppers

Primary 4 children from Lochnell were invited to cheer up shoppers in Oban by creating festive windows in Tescos. As well as reindeer and christmas trees they painted winter scenes and all the shoppers passing by were delighted with the cheery outcome.  Mrs McCrindle, their teacher, produced freehand outlines for the children to work on and they painted and decorated with great glee until every window they’d been assigned was a mass of colour. Continue reading Merry Christmas shoppers

Barcaldine at the Farmer’s Market

Primary 7 pupils of Barcaldine Primary school went along to the Local Farmers’ Market on Thursday 5th December to sell our enterprise makes. We have been busy making lots of things to sell as part of our enterprise project. We took everything along yesterday and were very busy manning our stall. We raised over £65 towards our School Fund.
Zofia, Eilidh, Rianna, Shona and Connor
Primary 7 pupils

Trains and boats and ….. libraries!

The Primary 1 class at Lochnell had a fantastic day out to celebrate the end of their topic on Travelling.
On Thursday 6th December we all boarded a bus at school – we’d used the bus for last week’s visit to the bookshop but this time we had a coach so we were up much higher than before. The coach took us to the train station at Connel and then we got on the train to travel to Oban. We loved being on the train because it sounded really cool and we could see the countryside rushing past us. Continue reading Trains and boats and ….. libraries!

Oban Auction Market visit.

Bunessan Primary 5,6 & 7 classes recently enjoyed an excellent day at Oban Market. This was the culmination of their recent crofting topic. The auctioneer, Raymond, took the children on a tour of the market and the children learned about the different breeds of sheep and Raymond explained how he decided what price to start the auction at. The children then had an opportunity to be the auctioneer and the buyers. The most exciting part was watching the auction and trying to spot who was bidding. Continue reading Oban Auction Market visit.

Scottish Country Dancing in Dunoon.

The Annual Dancing Festival for the Royal Scottish Country Dance Association took place today at the Queens Hall, Dunoon. The children from P4 and P5 have been practicing for several weeks and were keen to show off their newly acquired dancing skills. They looked absolutely great in their tartan sashes and rosettes.Their dancing skills were to be envied by all the parents and friends in the upper balcony of the Queens Hall. Continue reading Scottish Country Dancing in Dunoon.

St Mun’s Primary 7 visit Waterloo Road

Alarm clocks were set for an early rise on Wednesday the 7th of November when Primary 7 at St. Mun’s went to visit the set of Waterloo Road.  This modern day school-based drama is set in the old Greenock Academy.  When the Academy closed down the popular series moved from its original location in England  and opened its doors for the new term in Scotland. Continue reading St Mun’s Primary 7 visit Waterloo Road

Lochnell Entertainers Venture Forth

The pupils from Early Level at Lochnell Primary were out and about on Thursday 22nd November. We had an invitation to sing to residents at the local care home, The Lynn of Lorn. We are regular visitors and love to sing old favourites and new songs too.  As well as Nursery Rhymes the residents were invited to join in action songs and songs about worms and frogs … we weren’t sure if other people would like these songs but they certainly did and they were happy to join in the singing and actions too. Continue reading Lochnell Entertainers Venture Forth

John Logie Baird Primary visit to Ardardan

Primary 1 and Primary 2/1 at John Logie Baird enjoyed a visit to Ardardan Garden Centre where they enthusiastically applied their mathematical and literacy skills in a real situation.  They enjoyed exploring the plants and bulbs and learning about the range of farm produce. The Garden Centre staff were kept on their toes answering questions the children had prepared for them.  The visit ended with an opportunity for each child to buy a suitable item in the farm shop.  A big thank you is extended to all those at Ardardan who helped to make the visit so worthwhile.

Kilchrenan Walks Through The Past

Kilchrenan Primary have been exploring their Victorian heritage. With the help of Tara from Dunollie House, they have found out about a time when their village was bigger and more important than Oban, and how Oban only had one, very poor, inn for visitors.  They discovered, in Dunollie House, a great resource for studying this, and many periods on local and Scottish history. And, in Tara Coia, the Learning and Events Officer, an archaeologist with a passion and a real ability to enthuse. Continue reading Kilchrenan Walks Through The Past

Casualty Care with Tobermory Lifeboat Crew

P3/4 visit to the lifeboat station was in conjunction with our topic on the human body and we had an excellent demonstration on casualty care. We were shown the types of equipment they use including bandages and splints.  We were also shown the importance of keeping a casualty warm and learnt what to do if a diver has the bends.  The highlight for the pupils had to be when Mr Gawthrope was strapped into a Neil Robertson stretcher from head to toe.  This is used to evacuate casualties from small spaces!  Continue reading Casualty Care with Tobermory Lifeboat Crew