John Logie Baird Primary 7 Scottish Parliament visit

Primay 7 at JLB Primary recently visited the Scottish Parliament as part of their Social Studies work this term. After a very informative talk about the role of the Scottish Parliament and its history, they were given a tour of the building. They were allowed to go into the Debating Chamber to see where everyone sits when they have something to discuss. The children were allowed to look at the Mace presented to the Parliament on its opening by the Queen and see the words engraved upon it “There shall be a Scottish Parliament”.
Finally, they met two MSPs – Jackie Baillie and Annabel Goldie. Primary 7 had prepared questions beforehand and asked their MSPs a variety including “Why did you become an MSP?” and “How will you vote in the referendum on Scottish independence?” Primary 7 are very grateful to the Scottish Parliament for allowing them to see round the building, and to Jackie Baillie and Annabel Goldie for giving up so much of their time.

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