Kilchrenan Walks Through The Past

Kilchrenan Primary have been exploring their Victorian heritage. With the help of Tara from Dunollie House, they have found out about a time when their village was bigger and more important than Oban, and how Oban only had one, very poor, inn for visitors.  They discovered, in Dunollie House, a great resource for studying this, and many periods on local and Scottish history. And, in Tara Coia, the Learning and Events Officer, an archaeologist with a passion and a real ability to enthuse.

As part of their learning, pupils went on a walk through Oban, comparing the modern buildings with Victorian photographs, finding the those that were still the same, and the hotel that was home to the Queen of France. They then explored Dunollie House (the 1745 House), and after a sumptuous feast, discovered hooks, rats skulls, dresses, bells, copper pots and a schoolroom complete with Lochgelly belt. In the schoolroom each pupil made a presentation on their research of a famous person who visited the House: Wordsworth, Mendelssohn, Turner, or who were responsible for the new railway. They tried their hand a butter making, experimenting with different amounts of fat in the milk.

The project will culminate in a Victorian Christmas show, featuring a version of a Christmas Carol and, hopefully, several items from the community.

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