Category Archives: Training

Gymnastics courses coming soon………

The following courses have been organised for primary class teachers to assist with the teaching of gymnastics and dance. The courses will be led by Anne Murphy, Development Officer with Education Scotland.
– Wednesday 26th February 10am-3pm, Inveraray Primary, gymnastics and dance.
– Tuesday 4th March 3.45pm-5.45pm, Colgrain Primary, gymnastics.
– Wednesday 5th March 3.45pm-5.45pm, Sandbank Primary, gymnastics.
– Thursday 13th March 10am-3pm, Oban (venue TBC), gymnastics and dance.
To book a place please email Rona Young, PE Co-ordinator:

National Swimming Success

Congratulations to Kimmi Rae who has qualified for the Girls’ 12 and Under 50m backstroke event at the 2014 Scottish Schools’ Swimming Finals. Kimmi, who is a member of the Islay and Jura Dolphins A.S.C. , will be representing Bowmore Primary School at the Finals in East Kilbride on the 7th March. She is the first pupil from Bowmore Primary School and only the 4th swimmer from Islay and Jura to qualify for the Finals. Go for it and best of luck!

The Education Minister Outdoors

Stramash was delighted to welcome Michael Russell MSP , to view the projects and work of the organisation. He began the day by visiting the children at the outdoor nursery site to explore the site and discover more about the learning taking place within the early years setting outdoors. The children were very inquisitive to meet their special visitor!

Continue reading The Education Minister Outdoors

St. Mun’s On Their Bikes

A group of Primary 7 children at St. Mun’s were recently presented with their well-earned i-cycle certificates at a whole school assembly.
The children who had undergone their training in Term 1, had to demonstrate their ability to ride safely on the road (displaying knowledge of the Highway Code), cycle maintenance and road user awareness, as well as passing a written multiple choice test. Well done everyone.

Young Learning Centre Designers Take a Trip to The Printers

Five pupils from Dunoon Grammar’s learning centre designed an eye-catching range of Christmas cards as part of their contribution to the Learning Support Department’s annual Christmas Fayre. The designs were so colourful and original that learning centre teacher Liz Miller approached local printer, E&R Inglis, to see if they would print the cards to give them the professional finish they deserved.

Continue reading Young Learning Centre Designers Take a Trip to The Printers

Nativity Hoe Down at St. Mun’s

Wednesday and Thursday of last week saw the children of St. Mun’s Primary School perform their annual Christmas whole school show to two full houses and their new Acting Head Teacher Mrs. L. Fisher.

The School’s choir took to the stage first with a carol concert, which included festive readings and monologues as well as soloists and festive favourites, which had the audiences joining in.
Continue reading Nativity Hoe Down at St. Mun’s

Lochgilphead Joint Campus, Congratulations to Rachael

Congratulations to S4 Int 1 Skills for Work Hair pupil Rachael MacIndeor who competed in Argyll College’s annual hair competition. Rachael came 2nd place in the Hair Up category, competing against both full time and Skills for Work students. She received her certificate at the award ceremony at Argyll College in Oban on Wednesday 18th December

A fantastic achievement. Well done Rachael.

Achaleven & Ardchattan join forces for Nativity

Achaleven and Ardchattan Primaries joined forces this year for their nativity play – The Very Hopeless Camel on Friday 13th December. It’s been great fun rehearsing for it at our schools over the past few weeks, and we’ve enjoyed getting together as well to practice. With the help of Mrs Barlow there have also been lots of wonderful songs to learn.

Continue reading Achaleven & Ardchattan join forces for Nativity

Dunoon Grammar School – “Hair-up” Hairdressing Competition

Dunoon Grammar School Hairdressing Skills for Work pupils have recently participated in a “hair-up” competition where every student from 3rd to 6th year took part in creating their very own design of their interpretation of this season’s trends and styles. The students have chosen hairdressing as a school option over a one year or two year course and thought the competition would be a fun way to show off their new skills of plaits, back-combing, curling and much more of what they have been learning from working with their tutor, Honor McCutcheon.

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Oban Hoopsters Take the Win!

Oban High School Senior Boys A Team and Junior Girls took the top title in the Argyll & Bute Basketball Tournament held at Atlantic Leisure Centre on Thursday 12 December. Mrs Sharp, the Junior Girls’ and Boys’ team coach, was delighted with the teams’ win. “They have worked really hard to get to the top of their game and this win represents their high level of dedication and skill at basketball.” She added that she is confident the teams will continue to excel at the sport.

Continue reading Oban Hoopsters Take the Win!

“We Are Writers!” at Kirn Primary School

Book Week Scotland ran from 25th November until 1st of December. At Kirn, we thought what better way to get involved in Book Week than for every child at Kirn Primary to be part of publishing our very own book, full of stories written by our very own pupils?
In conjunction with Scholastic’s ‘We Are Writers’ service, an amazing story by every child from Kirn Primary School has been included in a real paperback book, available for parents to buy.

Continue reading “We Are Writers!” at Kirn Primary School

Dunoon Grammar School – News Articles

Rotary Competition

The final school heat of the competition was held on Wednesday 20 November 2013. Four first year pupils took part – Rhonan Colquhoun, Blair McColm, Willow Grieve and Jennifer Purdie.

The pupils made a three course meal – Continue reading Dunoon Grammar School – News Articles

Cardross Primary Mugdock Park Cross Country Success

Cardross Primary recently competed in the Mugdock Park Cross Country Championships. The pupils from P6 and P7 were accompanied and trained by Mrs Girling. All of the runners were impressive on the day but a notable mention must be given to the P7 boys team who came in first place with some excellent individual performances. This was a fantastic achievement for the boys who were up against some stiff competition from some very large Glasgow schools.

Continue reading Cardross Primary Mugdock Park Cross Country Success

Bowmore Primary School News

Thursday 14th November 2013
Internet Safety Caption
Nervously, on Friday 1st November 2013, we waited for Sergeant Rae to come in to teach us about the dangers of the internet.
First we learned about file sharing then cautiously we talked openly about e-mail. Crazily, most of us use e-mail often and it is very popular, although Facebook and Twitter are very well known and used as well.

Continue reading Bowmore Primary School News

Local artist Sian MacQueen visits Luing.

An energetic and exciting time was had by all pupils and staff when local artist Sian MacQueen came into school for six days. Sian talked about her work and brought in a large textured picture for the children to look at and feel. The children talked about their favourite places on Luing many of which they visited with Sian. Their first activity was dot painting creating an abstract on a map of Luing. They worked with clay making things they had seen when they were out and about.
Continue reading Local artist Sian MacQueen visits Luing.

Christmas Carpentry at Sandbank Primary School

Primary 3 (Mainstream and Gaelic) and GM 6/7 from Sandbank Primary School are using their woodwork skills to transform a square of wood into a star with the minimum of wasted material. GM 6/7 have proved themselves to be responsible and trustworthy therefore they are making their stars as an independent mini-topic whenever they have a spare moment of the day. The younger pupils get their instruction during their Friday afternoon activity lessons.

Continue reading Christmas Carpentry at Sandbank Primary School

John Logie Baird Primary Red, White and Blue Day

John Logie Baird Primary recently held a ‘Red, White & Blue Day’

The ‘Red, White and Blue Day’ is a campaign that goes towards supporting military benevolent societies, for those in need whose families are serving in our country.

Children made a donation and wore red, white and blue clothing instead of school uniform Continue reading John Logie Baird Primary Red, White and Blue Day

Rockfield P2 visit Oban Fire Station

As part of our “People Who Help Us” topic, the P2 classes visited Oban Fire Station this week. The children were split into two groups, one had a presentation about the role of the Fire Service and how to keep themselves safe in their homes. The other group got to look around the fire engine, climb inside and play with some of the buttons. The children also tried on the fire officer’s uniforms and each had a turn of using the hose, aiming for a traffic cone.

Continue reading Rockfield P2 visit Oban Fire Station

Barcaldine & Ardchattan win an Oscar!

Over the last few months Sam Harrison of Open Ground has been working with several schools on making outdoor films. The project involved children exploring their own habitat and then when back in the classroom decide how to make and produce their own film. Sam Harrison joined each school for two days when one day was spent exploring their own landscapes and then acting out their ideas. When Sam Harrison came back for his second visit, schools then had an idea of where their film was going and all Sam had to do was film it. Continue reading Barcaldine & Ardchattan win an Oscar!

St. Joseph’s Concert

Another super performance by the children of St. Joseph’s took place on the evenings of Wednesday and Thursday 12 and 13 June respectively. P4 and P5 performed Peter Pan to a sell out audience on both nights with P6 & P7 presenting some gritty performances as the cast embraced the musical ‘Oliver’.
The audience were in awe of all the children as the show opened with a performance from the full scale school orchestra. The ensemble played in perfect tune culminating in a fantastic performance of the theme from James Bond. Continue reading St. Joseph’s Concert