A busy week at Southend Primary

Southend PS Busy Week 1Book Week
We held our very own Book Week. This involved writing book reviews, class talks about our favourite books and dressing up as our favourite book characters. We also had parents come in to read to us. John McCallum from the Campbeltown Courier came to our school to talk about his job. We asked lots of questions and found out lots of information about being a journalist.
By Caitlin, P6
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Kirn’s P7 Great Spaghetti Marshmallow Challenge!

KIRN PS P7 Challenge 1It was Open Day in P7 and we invited parents, grandparents and carers to come in and join us with the Spaghetti Marshmallow Challenge!
Each team was made up with P7 children, one or two parents or helpers, 100 sticks of raw spaghetti, 20 marshmallows and just 30 minutes. The challenge was to build the highest tower using just these materials, plus lots of communication skills, teamwork, determination, creativity, problem solving and speed!

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Islay Schools Band Concert

Islay HS School bandIslay High School Band, Primary School Band and Ceol na Cloinne our P3/4 Training Band, held a fantastic concert on Thursday 19th March. Our special guests were Coisir Og Gaelic Ile, Ella Edgar Dancers and Islay High School Pipers. A great night was had by all, there was a lot of new exciting music from all bands not to mention soloists from the Primary band and High School Band, all of whom put on great performances. A great night was had by all, well done boys and girls!

Oban High’s XL Group

OHS XL Club 1Pupils from Oban High’s XL Group have been working in the Community Garden at Glencruitten run by H2O. They have been building planters to help disabled people access planting and benches for people to sit and admire the gardens. They have been working towards their Community Project for XL and their Dynamic Youth Awards for helping others in the community.

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Tobermory Drama Festival Winners

Lochdon Drama 1At the end of January, Ms Bidwell asked the school if anyone would be interested in doing Tobermory Drama Festival this year. Lochdonhead volunteered and decided to write a play called ‘Our Teacher’s a Witch’. We formed a drama club and we rehearsed every Thursday night for 2 months. We also gave up some of our breaks and lunchtimes to practice as well.

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Park Primary 3 Authors!

Park PS 1 library visitThis term Primary 3 in Park Primary School have been learning all about stories and books! We visited Waterstones and the Oban Library to find out how books are created and shared. Then we wrote our own stories and published them in book format. On Friday 27th March we hosted a book launch assembly for the rest of the school and lots of parents and other family members who came to share and celebrate our learning.

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Wonderful Oscar’s Evening at Furnace!

Furnace oscar's evening 1Furnace village hall was visited by some glittering film stars in the evening of Friday the 27th of March.

They arrived in style too, by Limousine!! This was a huge surprise to the children as the local youth club had arranged it and thankfully the parents had kept it a secret.

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Chicks Hatched and Re-homed at St. Joseph’s!

St Joes LIVING EGGS  2‘One of the best projects our school has ever done!’….quote from one of the admiring parents as she viewed the newly hatched chicks recently at St. Joseph’s Primary School in Helensburgh. 11 fertilised eggs had been purchased by the school in the middle of March to bring alive the learning in P3 and P6 as they studied ‘The Owl Who was Afraid of The Dark’ and ‘Animals around the World’ respectively.

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Sumdog Maths Challenge – Lochdonhead Winners

Lochdonhead Primary School took part in the recent Argyll and Bute Sumdog Maths Challenge. Even though we are a very small school, we were delighted to have won. Here are comments from our pupils –

Henry P7 – I enjoyed the teamwork, helping and encouraging everyone to do their 1000 questions. We used Edmodo to motivate and encourage each other.

Kara P7 – Sumdog helped develop my maths skills and my resilience because I kept going and tried my best. Continue reading Sumdog Maths Challenge – Lochdonhead Winners

Parent and Toddler Group

Lochdonhead PS Parent Toddler GrpIn January we started a Parent and Toddler Group at Lochdonhead Primary School. We have around 6 toddlers who come and enjoy playing and meeting with their friends, every Friday afternoon at the school. We asked the parents what they thought of the arrangement and they said, ‘Brilliant’, ‘There is a good variety of toys for them. Different things every week’, ‘It’s a lovely bright space for them to play’. Hopefully in the warmer weather, the toddlers will enjoy growing seeds in our greenhouse and making use of our lovely Gaelic Story Glen. It is great to have young members of our community enjoying the facilities of the school. Many thanks to Alison MacKenzie, Principal Teacher of Early Years, for providing a rich and interesting variety of resources to support our group.

Wonderful Winning Weaving!

Small Isles Crofting Connections 1In 2012 our school joined the Crofting Connections project and as part of that, we were given a loom. We did lots of work around weaving and even went to collect some lichens to dye our own wool. Then we used the loom to weave a piece of fabric that was green and white and rather rough. Fiona Macdonald (a good weaver that lives close to school) helped us to set it up. Then we decided to have a competition to see who could design the best tartan.

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Outdoor Learning at Minard

Minard Outdoor 3The children at Minard Primary School have been using their grounds to enhance their learning. Recently they have been hard at work designing a trim trail round the playground using natural resources. The children do laps at least three times a week and then convert the metres into kms then into miles. Next, they mark their progress by plotting the joint distance travelled on a map of Scotland. They hope to reach John O’Groats by the summer holidays! (They’ve reached Cairndow so far.)

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BBC 10 Pieces Take Over Day at Lochgilphead Primary School

Lochgilphead Ten Pieces 1A fantastic day was experienced by pupils and staff when members of the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and a BBC film crew took over Lochgilphead Primary School for the day! Pupils from Kilmartin Primary and Ardrishaig Primary also joined us for the day. A huge variety of activities took place with children participating in a whole school assembly, singing workshops, as well as musical and non-musical response workshops.

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Colgrain Blitz

Colgrain Blitz 1Primary 6/7 pupils at Colgrain are currently learning about the events of The Clydebank Blitz. They were shocked to return to their classroom after lunch to discover that the school had been hit by a stray bomb! To protect themselves from any more possible attacks they spent the afternoon working under their desks. The children worked together to produce ARP reports on the damage sustained and produced poetry based around their feelings of being caught up in the Blitz.

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VIP Project in conjunction with Strathclyde University at St. Joseph’s

St Josephs STRATHCLYDE GLASGOW (2)Friday 20th March, 2015 saw the post-graduate teacher training students from Strathclyde University revisit St. Joseph’s in Helensburgh to complete their Sciences VIP (Vertically Integrated Project) Option module of their course with P5, P6 and P7 children. The students had first visited in February for an orientation and fact finding visit to see first-hand the progressive STEM teaching in which every pupil is involved at St. Joseph’s.

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FUNdraising at St Andrew’s Primary

St Andrews Fundraising 1Our pupils have been busy using their enterprising skills to raise money for good causes:

Our Pupil Council organised a ‘Bedtime Story Day’ to mark World Book Day. We wore our pyjamas and brought in books to have a book sale. We raised £88.50 to buy new books for our school.

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Kirn’s P6/5 are Leaders of Learning at the Science Centre

Kirn Leadership and Learning 1Primary 6/5 visited the Science Centre today – but not just as a fun and educational day trip. We were there as Leaders of Learning as part of our Children in Scotland project with other schools and educational groups and the Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland’s Languages Alasdair Allan (Primary 6/5 were the only Primary school children there!)

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Luing and Easdale pupils enjoy a trip to Oban Airport!

Luing and Easdale VIist to Oban airportEarly level pupils from Luing and Easdale decided to visit Oban Airport as part of their transport topic. They enjoyed looking around the air traffic control tower before watching the Colonsay plane land! They were even allowed to sit on the plane. The firemen at the airport then showed the children their special fire engine and let them sit in the driver’s seat with the flashing lights on. The firemen also demonstrated how far the water shoots out from the hose. The children were excited to watch a helicopter landing. We all had a wonderful day!

‘Red Nose Day’ Comic Relief Fundraising at Dalintober PS

Dalintober PS red nose day SAL 1Pupils, staff and parents of Dalintober PS gave their full support to the school’s fundraising efforts for Comic Relief. Red Noses were sold by P7’s and pupils and staff paid a small donation to wear non-uniform and to ‘make their faces funny for money’. Other fundraisers included a Pre-5/P1 Bake Sale, quiz and various stalls/competitions. A grand total of £775.31was raised for the charity – thank you!

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navigational officer visits Dunoon Primary

DPS Navigator 2Yesterday Miss Johnston’s and Mrs Wakefield’s Maths Setting class were learning how maths is used by sailors! Duncan Munro who is a Navigational Officer working in the Merchant Navy joined the class to tell them about his job with Seabourn Cruiseline and to teach them about compass points, bearings and degrees.

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