Oban High School Visit to HMS Blyth

OHS HMS Blyth 1Pupils of Oban High School were invited along to HMS Blyth, a Minesweeper with the Royal Navy which was in Oban for a few days. The Royal Navy gave the pupils a very informative tour of the ship and really enjoyed learning what life would be like as part of the crew on the HMS Blyth.

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Chick-tastic P1 Assembly

Rosneath chicks assembly 1Primary 1 pupils at Rosneath Primary School treated pupils, staff and families to a bright and wonderful assembly. The theme for their assembly was, of course, chicks! The children worked very hard to learn songs, poems and other speaking parts. To add a splash of colour the children wore yellow t-shirts and made chick masks. Two of our very own chicks, Joey and Chicky, even made an appearance at the assembly. Can you see how much they’ve grown?

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Mr Priest’s visit to Dunoon Primary School

dps Mr Priest pics 3P5 to P7 were delighted to welcome Mr Priest, PT for Maths at Dunoon Grammar School, into their Maths Setting classes today. Mrs Macdonald’s class had just finished a block of learning on Algebric Equations and were busy consolidating their knowledge. Mr Priest was very impressed with their learning and the level they were working at.

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Rothesay Joint Campus raise £1320.62 for Comic Relief

RJC Red Nose Day 13Everyone at Rothesay Joint Campus took part in a host of events on Friday to raise money for Red Nose Day. In the Primary, P6-7 and P7 organised various activities including ‘red nose and spoon’ races, beat the goalie, face painting, hair/nail salon, dress-up karaoke, cupcake decorating, ‘red nose’ treasure hunts, sponge the teacher and a power hoop challenge. Red noses were sold throughout the school.

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Arctic Activities for Strone Primary School

strone PS  Polar DayThis term pupils at Strone Primary are studying Polar Regions as their Interdisciplinary Topic. As part of the experience they celebrated International Polar Bear Day! To help raise awareness of the effects of Global Warming and make a small difference to saving energy, the heating was turned down and children came to school dressed for a Polar Day, in fleeces and polar onesies.

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Sensory Exploration @ Learning Centre, Rockfield

Oban Learning Centre sensory exploration 9The pupils at the Learning Centre have explored a range of sensory materials and activities this term. These learning activities are a central part to learning within ASN and they are FUN!

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Comic Relief at Bowmore!

Bowmore comic relief 2015 newThere was a very relaxed feeling about Bowmore Primary today as children and staff supported Comic Relief by dressing down and wearing funny faces! There were quite a few red noses going about and for once, it wasn’t down to the cold! Onsies, princess dresses, pyjamas and hoodies were part of our special ‘uniform’ today as well as some crazily painted faces. We managed to raise lots of smiles as well as £234.00!
A huge thank you goes out to our parents and friends for supporting Comic Relief through our school. Well done Bowmore!

Fairtrade Coffee Morning

Port Charlotte Fair Trade Coffee Morning (19)On Friday the 6th of March we had a coffee morning to raise money for Fairtrade. All week, each class have been learning about Fairtrade so that we would know what Fairtrade is all about. P1/2 went down to the Co-op to hunt for Fairtrade products and P3/4 studied the journey of a banana. P5/6 wrote a persuasive piece text encouraging others for or against supporting Fairtrade and P6/7 made a Fairtrade cookbook. Every class also baked a cake using Fairtrade products.

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Strone Primary School Hooked on Books!

Strone PS World Book Day and Edinburgh visitA group of P6 and 7 pupils were lucky enough to attend the Scottish Book Awards Ceremony for the 8-11 age range, in Edinburgh on Wednesday 4th March. Before the ceremony they met some of the short listed authors and were able to get their books signed. The children were amazed at how young the winning author Alex McCall was. He had only left school three years previously and had been inspired himself by a visit to school by a Scottish Book Trust author!

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Lismore Primary School Celebrity Cook Book

Lismore Celebrity Cook Book 1Lismore Primary School P5-P7 have just completed this term’s enterprise project holding a book launch for their Celebrity Cook Book with a Fairtrade Café on Friday 6th March. This is their report:
We decided to make and sell a recipe book to raise money for our Stramash Week at the end of May. The project started at the beginning of this term and we did it on Mondays and Fridays with Hazel, our classroom assistant.

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Rosneath Samba 1Primary 7/6 would like to thank our Instructor Rob (can you spot him in our photos?) for teaching us in our 6 Samba Drumming lessons over 6 weeks.
On Thursday it was over to us and SHOWTIME – we had to SHOWCASE our newly acquired SKILLS to the rest of our school and our Parents.
It has been remarked that we showed such CONFIDENCE and MUSICAL TALENT! Rob took a little bit of a back seat and we took over complete with whistle. Well Done to our 3 Leaders – Rhys, David and Ceri.


Rosneath World Book Day 1Here at Rosneath we were very proud to take part in World Book Day. Children most definitely showcased their love of reading and books!
From Disney Princesses to Superheroes to Cats………………………………… the list is endless!
Many thanks to our local Librarian Mrs Barclay (or was it “Where’s Wally’s sister????????????) who kindly organised activities for all five classes.
Great fun!

Continue reading WE LOVE BOOKS AT ROSNEATH!!

World Book Day 2015

DPS World Book Day 1 2015Dunoon Primary were thrilled to take part in World Book Day 2015 today, (Friday 6th March). The pupils thoroughly enjoyed the day as the school was filled with Harry Potter look-a-likes, Matildas, Where’s Wally, Mary Poppins, Mr Stink, The Twits and Red Ridinghood! The teachers said the overall opinion of the pupils was that it was ‘ phenomenal, fantastic and a super day!’

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Lochdonhead World Book Day 2015

Lochdonhead World Book DayOn Thursday the 5th of March, Pupils at Lochdonhead Primary took part in an all-day sponsored read for World Book Day 2015.
The classroom was laid out with bean bags and cushions, and pupils came to school in their pyjamas to mark the occasion. The reading began at 9.30am and only stopped for break and lunch. Parents and teachers also read aloud to the class which was a lovely experience. All in all it was a fantastic day, and we would all love to do it again! Especially coming to school in our pyjamas!!!
“It was the best day of the term so far” – Ewan Callander P6

Chick, Chick, Chick!

Rosneath chick 1Primary one pupils at Rosneath Primary School have been lucky to have the Living Eggs experience in their classroom. The children watched 9 fluffy little chicks hatch and cared for them for over a week. An amazing experience that we would highly recommend!
In order to fund this Miss McLean and Primary 1 organised a Toy and Cake Sale for pupils, staff, families and friends. A fantastic total of £250 was raised!

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BEAVER 2 007 comOly Hemmings from the Knapdale Beaver Trial and The Scottish Wildlife Trust visited Primary 5 in January and February to help the children learn about beavers and other Scottish wildlife and their habitats. Favourite activities were looking at animal skulls and pelts, trying to make the best dam and creating an arch of dependant plants and creatures with beavers as the keystone species. Using giant building blocks, the children showed their understanding of the food chain. A vigorous game of musical chairs demonstrated what happens when the habitat of animals is changed. Continue reading BEAVERS AT DALINTOBER