Kintyre Writers’ Circle Competition

Congratulations to children at Castlehill Primary School in P4, P5, P6 and P7 who were awarded prizes in the Kintyre Writers’ Circle Competition on Friday 12th May at Seafield Hotel. Well done to everyone who took part in this competition for all South Kintyre schools.

Lochgoilhead Primary welcomes a visiting Volcanologist!

The children at Lochgoilhead Primary School were very lucky to be able welcome a visiting volcanologist to the school last week. Steve Wright shared with us his knowledge, passion and incredible first-hand experiences he has gained from visiting active volcanoes around the world. Volcanic rock and samples of meteorites were passed around as Steve answered excellent questions from the children.

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St Mun’s Guitar Project

The Primary 6/5 pupils from St Muns Primary in Dunoon, recently spent two days visiting the Technical Department in Dunoon Grammar School, making their own guitars. Having been given a basic specification for a guitar, the pupils came up with their own unique designs and with the help of Mr Mollins and some S3 pupils, who acted as team leaders, they constructed the guitar parts from wood and pieced them together.

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Hat trick for Barcaldine Primary School

Three accomplishments over the last few weeks for Barcaldine Primary School
Big Pedal
It has been a hat-trick for Barcaldine Primary School children in the Big Pedal race. We came joint first in the UK in the Small Primary Classes 5-day Challenge category, for the third consecutive year. We have taken part in the Big Pedal’s virtual cycle around Britain for several years now and the children are always very enthusiastic about using the Sustran’s cycle path to cycle to school.
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Yoga at Strachur P.S.

We are very excited to start our yoga club at school after 3 teachers and 1 parent attended recent training, provided by Active Schools. We are even more excited to have our own yoga mats for the club – kindly donated by Kayci’s mum, Rebecca. Rebecca organised a raffle through her business, KMR Candles, and all proceeds went towards the purchase of the mats. Thank you Rebecca! Our yoga club will start on Thursday 23rd May after school and run for 6 weeks.

Red Nose Day at Arinagour Primary School

We managed to raise over £550 for Red Nose Day. We are very proud of our pupils’ efforts. We would like to thank the local community who were very generous as well as the parents who supported many aspects of our fundraising.

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Campbeltown Nursery Transition to Castlehill

As part of the nursery transition programme, Campbeltown Nursery joined Primary one and two at Castlehill Primary for a “Happy Healthy Me Morning”. They participated in a wide range of activities which included Zumba, golf, healthy eating, fruit tasting and dental care. A fantastic morning was had by all.

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Minard and Kirn Primary Pupils learning outdoor together

Argyll & Bute may be geographically vast but that doesn’t prevent us from making the most of connections between schools to allow pupils the opportunity to learn co-operatively. On Friday 21st April five P4 pupils from Kirn Primary School in Cowal travelled with their teacher Mr Mair to join the Minard Primary School pupils in some outdoor learning activities in Minard Primary, near Inveraray. The Minard pupils were delighted to welcome pupils from far flung Cowal to share in the outdoor learning opportunities which are on their doorstep.

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Dream Dress Up Day

In the last week of term, the Colgrain Primary School Pupil Council organised a ‘dream job’ dress up day. All pupils from Pre-5 to P7 thought about what they would like to be when they grow up and came to school dressed in that role. This event coincided with the finale of our STEM term. Thanks to the generosity of our pupils, we raised £244.38. This money has been shared between Save the Children and the purchase of new playground equipment.

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Full STEM Ahead at Colgrain!

During Term 3 at Colgrain, the pupils from Pre-5 to P7 worked together to plan a whole school STEM topic. With the key focus of ‘developing our young workforce’, our pupils chose a variety of aspects of STEM to investigate. We worked closely with partners in the community to bring our learning to life. We welcomed Helensburgh Toyota, Royal Navy chefs, Lt. Cdr. Pinder and a number of parents to school to work with us.

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New Argyll and Bute Literacy webpage!

The Argyll and Bute Literacy Experience (ABLE 2) is now live. With information for parents / carers, learners and for staff it’s the place to go for support and resources on all things literacy related. Learners from school age to adult will find useful links and resources while parents and carers will find advice and help to support them on all stages of their child’s journey from pre-birth to Highers and Advanced Highers. Staff will find examples of good practice, links to useful websites and guidance on a range of strategies from reciprocal reading to supporting learners with literacy difficulties within the classroom. The website isn’t yet fully populated so there will be some gaps, but please leave feedback and comments or email Clare Bryden, PT Literacy and let us know what else you’d like to see included. To access this site go to: HERE

Rockfield Shares Learning in Music

Pupils in Rockfield Primary in Oban welcomed parents, carers and friends to school recently to share with them the learning they have been doing in music.

P4 and P5 pupils have been exploring the instrument families of the orchestra, with a particular focus on the piece ‘Peter and the Wolf’ by Prokofiev which uses recurring themes and specific instruments for each character.

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BMT day at Glenbarr Primary School

On Friday 17th March, Rhunahaorine and Gigha pupils joined pupils at Glenbarr Primary School for a day of BMT (Better Movers and Thinkers). They were joined by Rona Young who led the day. In the morning P1-3 pupils got the chance to have some Active Start together while the p4-7 took part in some BMT activities in the classroom. They tried a variety of activities – Body Lift, Body Parts, Finger Taps, Clap Patterns and Fours on the Spot.

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St Mun’s Primary School

The pupils of St Mun’s Primary School have been busy, throughout the Lenten period. Each class was challenged to organise and run an event to help raise money for two important charities: SCIAF and Multiple Sclerosis. Throughout March, a variety of activities took place: a Bring ‘n’ Buy sale, raffle, Easter Egg hunt, guess the name of the bunny competition, paper airplane race and a Coffee Morning to which parents and parishioners of Our Lady and St Mun’s Church were invited.

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A Picture Tells a Thousand Stories
Capture the Spirit of Outdoor Learning in Argyll

The winning entries will be printed on a calendar, produced by the Argyll OWL Group, and will be distributed throughout Argyll & Bute to promote outdoor and woodland learning. Plus win great prizes to help you enjoy the outdoors.


Dunoon Primary School Daffodil Tea 2017

Dunoon Primary held its Annual Daffodil Tea on Thursday March 30th. Our Senior Citizens from the local community joined us for a wonderful afternoon of music, samba drumming, fiddle, chanter and singing from our choir and P4/5/6. The show was carefully presented by our terrific P7 pupils who had produced entertaining introductions for each act themselves.

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Title – Open Afternoon at Southend Primary

Pupils became teachers for the afternoon at Southend Primary. Parents, Guardians and members of the community had taster sessions on writing newspapers reports, creating Animations, making Power Points, designing Rennie McIntosh screen prints, experiencing the thinking behind BMT and having fun learning about the weather in French.

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