Monthly Archives: April 2020

Kai’s clip. Someone throwing money around!!

Have a look at Kai’s animation, isn’t it great!? This was made in Flipaclip, an App you can use to create stories and films. This is only short but yours could be as long a you like. You can then save it and open iMovies  (or any other movie app) to add sound. It works like drawing on a many pages of a sketch book and then flipping them to create a moving image. Let me know if you manage to create anything and we’ll put it on the blog. Well done, Kai.

Group 10 – 20th April

Good morning Group 10. I hope you have had a great Easter, Maybe you could share some of the things you have been up to. I have been in the garden, tidying our house and baking bread and cakes. What have you been doing?

Click on this link for today’s and this weeks activities

Group 10 – 20th April
Good morning and welcome back! Hope you have had a great two week break. We start with our morning routine so,
Go to this Sway

Have a great day!

Group 1,2,3 Maths Monday 20th April

Hello Everyone.

I hope you have all had a lovely break and are ready to do some more maths learning.

There are 3 activities below. Please choose the one which suits your stage of maths learning best. If you’re not sure then start with A and then move to the next one.

Activity A

Join in with Jack counting to 20

Go on a number hunt in the house

Ask someone in your house to write the numbers 1 to 10 or 1 to 20 on some separate pieces of paper and hide them around the house. Your task is to find them all and then put them all in order. Good luck!


Activity B

Join in with Jack counting forward and backwards to 50.

Chairs have legs, tables have legs, people have legs. How many legs can you find in your house?

Write down your answers eg 24 chair, 6 human, 4 table, 4 drawers.

Can you make a chart to show what you have found?

What had the most legs?

Can you work out how may legs you found altogether? You could use your hundred chart to help.

Let me know what you found.

Activity C

Join in with Jack counting by 2

Sock party.

Find as many socks as you can in your house.

How many pairs of socks are there and how many with no match?

How did you count the socks?

Can you use counting in 2s to help count pairs?

If I have 5 pairs of socks how many socks is that all together?

How do you know?

What else could you count in pairs?

Let me know how you get on.






Monday 20th April Orange Class

A very good morning to you all!  It’s bright and sunny.  What will we do today?


Start the morning.             

What day is it today?









Don’t forget Lorna’s sign of the day!


What’s the weather like today?


How are you today?


Time to help around the house.

What jobs will you do?


Now how about some Alphabet Exercises to get your day going?

Can you exercise to your name?


It would be great if you could get out for a walk today or look for birds in your garden.

What birds can you see?

See how many birds you can spot today?  Have a go and let me know!


I love the Kipper stories.  I hope you do too!


Have you forgotten about Numberjacks?  We’re on episode 5


Phew!  After all that hard work what about a chill time.

Have a super day!  More tomorrow.  David

Monday 20th April

Good Morning Everyone. I hope you have had a lovely Easter break.

Here are some activities for your timetable today:

Circle Time

What is the day today?

How’s is the weather?

How are you feeling today?

Life Skills

What jobs can you do to help around the house today?


Have a look in the maths section to see what Steve has put up for you.


Check out in the P.E section for what Pedro or Gerry have in store for you today. If you want, you can join in with Joe Wicks live at 9am.


This is a pretty story about bathing, growing up and being responsible. What does Hopscotch like? What does he not like? What is he good at doing?


Sign of the Day

Click on Lorna’s sign of the day video.


Have a look at the art section to see what Steve wants you to do.

Outdoor Learning

Check out in the Outdoor learning section to find out what is your challenge for today.


Today’s focus is about personal hygiene. Find the link below to help you what you should do to   keep yourself clean.


Personal hygiene

Have a lovely day. Ana


Music with Gordon 20th April: Secondary

What to do today

Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Do the activities as many times as you like.

Activities (links below)

    1. Hello song
    2. Bounce and catch. You’ll need a ball for this.
    3. Tap and clap along to Cho-co-la-te. Do you remember how to do this?
    4. Now try playing Cho-co-la-te using homemade instruments. Try this 2-3 times. If you don’t have any instruments, what can you find to make a good sound?
    5. Time to get up and dance to Blame it on the Boogie by the Jackson 5. You can also play your instruments if you like, or get a scarf to play with.
    6. And now, time to chill. This week we have a piano version of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah.
    7. Goodbye Song. Time to say goodbye! Thank you for your music. Hope you had some fun, see you all next time!

Hello Song

Click and scroll down to see the video

Bounce and Catch

Tap and clap along to Cho-co-la-te

Now play Cho-co-la-te using a homemade instrument.

Time to move around or play your instrument

Chill and relax

Goodbye Song

Music with Gordon 20 April: Primary

What to do today

Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Do the activities as many times as you like.

Activities (links below)

    1. Hello song
    2. Bounce and catch. You’ll need a ball for this.
    3. Tap and clap along to Cho-co-la-te. Do you remember how to do this?
    4. Now try playing Cho-co-la-te using homemade instruments. Try this 2-3 times. If you don’t have any instruments, what can you find to make a good sound?
    5. Time to get up and dance to Blame it on the Boogie by the Jackson 5. You can also play your instruments if you like, or get a scarf to play with.
    6. And now, time to chill. This week we have a piano version of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah.
    7. Goodbye Song. Time to say goodbye! Thank you for your music. Hope you had some fun, see you all next time!

Hello Song

Click and scroll down to see the video

Bounce and Catch

Tap and clap along to Cho-co-la-te

Now play Cho-co-la-te using a homemade instrument.

Time to move around or play your instrument

Chill and relax

Goodbye Song

Group 11 – Monday 20 April

Good morning Group 11!

I hope you had lovely holidays. We managed to chill out a bit.  We painted our shed and a bit of the fence before we ran out of paint. We got out for a couple of walks.  We made a cake for the Pinewood cake competition.  We decorated our window with an Under the Sea theme. We also did lots of singing and dancing.

It feels very strange not to be at Pinewood this morning.  I miss you all.   Lauren, Jackie and Rose Ann all miss you too.

You could try some of the following today:

Movement: put your favourite song on and dance like no one is watching.  We are going to use and have a conga.

Life Skills:  Help sort out the washing.

Maths: See Steve’s blog or use

PE:   See Pedro’s blog or try

Story: Read your favourite book or listen to one of these stories.

Signing: check Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Art: See Steve’s blog or try drawing your own Superhero characters.

Outdoor Learning:  Use your phone or tablet to take pictures of outside.  Send your best ones to me.

HWB: Phone or video call your family or friends.


Have a lovely day, Kirsty