Monthly Archives: April 2020

Hello Tuesday

Circle Time – We start our circle time singing “hello – super simple songs”

This is also the time we started to learn some Spanish. Leave you here some Spanish translations.

Good morning – “Buenos Dias”

Hello – “Hola”

How are you? – “como estas?”

We then talk about how we are feeling today (happy, sad, tired, and excited). We find how does the weather look like and what day it is – You can do your calendar book.

And we finish our circle time sharing the last day news – Feel free to share your news, by email, posting here on blog some videos, photos or comments. J


MovementHere some of our favourite movement songs. You can use this ones or any other of your preference

Life skills – challenge of the week: tidy up your toys and games after playing with itJ. Here’s the link of the tidy up song that we normally use in the class that your child easily recognises.

ICT – You can go on your Ipad, tablet, mobile… and choose one of the games you like most. You don’t know what to choose from?  If you go to ICT/ technology sections there’s some apps you can use.

Dance Go to the Dance section and choose one of the activities that Rachel prepared for you. Have fun J

Story – Find a book of your choice and “read” it. Ask mum or dad to help you if you want to. Check if you are holding the book in the right position. Make sure you turn pages one at the time. Can you tell what do you see on pictures? What is your favourite character/ food / toy / image (depending on the book)

Sign of the day – Don’t forget to be practicing the sign of the day – if you want to send me a video then feel free


Gardening – Have fun outdoor. If you are struggling to get your child entertained please check the link below with some outdoor activities ideas.


HWB – Children can’t always explain how they are feeling and what is wrong with them. Their way of express their emotions is through behave. Here are some tips to help you when it’s “one of those moments”

Tuesday 21st April Orange Class

Good morning!  Sun all the way today.

lets start with our morning Circle Time

Good Morning Routine



have you brushed your teeth today?

Brushing teeth activity

Now for some Dance!

Here is your dance lesson for today…

warm up song:

Just dance song:

Sleepy lion song:

Thanks to Rachel

Time for maths

Now for Numberjacks! Episode 6.


How about building a tower with Lego or blocks?  You could count the number of Lego pieces you use.  Take a photograph and I can post on the blog.

Lego Tower


What about Jobs for today? Is there anything you can do in the house or in the garden?

Helping in the garden!

If you don’t have a garden maybe you could draw one?

Story Time
Lets listen to Sarah reading Twinkles, Arthur and Puss.

Time to chill

Have a super day!


ICT – Tuesday 21 April

Good morning, I hope you had lovely holidays.

Take a screenshot of 5 places that you would like to visit in the summer holidays. Send them to me at

I would choose Almondell Country Park, Muiravonside, Loch Dunmore, Swimming and Dechmont Law. You might like to search for pictures of them too.

I can’t wait to see your pictures, Kirsty.



Group 11 – Tues 21 April

Good morning Group 11

I hope you had a nice day yesterday.  More sunshine today.

You could try some of the following today:

Movement: put your favourite song on and dance like no one is watching.  We are going to use and do the dance

Life Skills:  Tidy your bedroom

ICT:  Take a screenshot of 5 places that you would like to visit in the summer holidays. Send them to me at

Dance:   Learn Rachel’s dance from the blog or stick on some party songs and have a dance

Story: Read your favourite book or listen to one of these stories.

Signing: check Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Fiddly Fingers:  Build a tower with Lego, bricks or anything else you can think off to use.

Gardening: See Scott’s blog posts or help weed the garden if you have one.  Design your dream garden if you don’t.

HWB: Finish your day with a relaxing meditation


Have a lovely day, Kirsty