Monthly Archives: April 2020

World Earth Day Art

Today, April 22nd, marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, the annual celebration of the environmental movement. Below are some examples of Art work that you may like to create at home.

Why not get some green and blue paint and dip a balloon into it and press it down to create a pattern of the Earth:

Some Earth pictures using paint and bubble wrap:

Creating World Earth Day Art using your hand and foot prints:

Collage using cut pieces of green and blue paper:

Have fun creating Art work about  a really important issue 🙂

Group 4 – Wednesday 22nd April

Good Morning everyone.

Circle Time

Today I’m feeling

How are you feeling today?


Life Skills

Once you have completed your morning circle it’s time to get the day started choosing your job to help around the house today.


Have a look at the language section to find out what Laura has planned for you today.


Check the blog for ideas from Gerry. If you want, you can join in with Joe Wicks live at 9am.


Today we are going to listen to a story about feelings. Ruby’s worry is a delicate story about feeling worried and to realise that everybody gets worries, and they are nothing to be ashamed of. Enjoy.

Sign of the day

Check Lorna’s sign of the day video.


Have a look at the art section to see what Steve wants you to do.


Check out in the Science section to find out what is your challenge for today.


In the story Ruby’s Worry, When Ruby makes a friend – who has a worry too – and talks about what’s bothering her, everything explodes with colour and the world goes back to normal.

Are you feeling worried today? What can you do?

Ways to stop feeling worried:

  1. The best thing to do is to stop, take a deep breath and focus on all the things you are good at.
  2. Thinking positive thoughts will help you feel better in yourself.
  3. Doing a different activity
  4. Getting some exercise
  5. Eating some healthy food
  6. Sometimes the best solution is to relax – find a comfortable chair to sit in or have a lie down, slow down your breathing and chill out.

Find someone you trust and talk to them – it might be a parent, a friend, or a teacher. Sharing a problem makes it seem less huge.

Have a nice day.


Group 11 – Wednesday 22 April

Good morning Group 11

I hope you had a nice day yesterday.  It is still sunny!

You could try some of the following today:

Movement: put your favourite song on and dance like no one is watching.  We are going to use . The video makes us laugh and the music makes us want to move.

Life Skills:  Help sort out the washing.

Literacy: See Laura’s blog or write a story about what you would like to do once we are allowed back to Pinewood.

PE:   See Pedro or Gerry’s blogs or play football in the garden if it’s safe.

Story: Read your favourite book or one from here

Signing: check Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Art:  See Steve’s blog or you could draw your favourite teacher.

Science: See Sarah’s blog or you could see what is magnetic in your house.

HWB: Finish your day with some Harry Potter yoga


Have a lovely day, Kirsty

Happy Wednesday

Happy Wednesday 🛍🌐 | Village

Hello Yellow Class!

Hope you are all well and everyone is keep safe.

Here is a guide to Wednesday! Please take it at your own child’s pace.

 Circle Time – We start our circle time singing “hello – super simple songs”

This is also the time we started to learn some Spanish. Leave you here some Spanish translations.

Good morning – “Buenos Dias”

Hello – “Hola”

How are you? – “como estas?”

We then talk about how we are feeling today (happy, sad, tired, and excited). We find how does the weather look like and what day it is – You can do your calendar book.

And we finish our circle time sharing the last day news – Feel free to share your news, by email, posting here on blog some videos, photos or comments. J

 Movement – Here some of our favourite movement songs. You can use this ones or any other of your preference

Life skills – challenge of the week: tidy up your toys and games after playing with itJ. Here’s the link of the tidy up song that we normally use in the class that your child easily recognises.

Literacy – Let’s review the alphabet today. Here’s a song that you love and is so familiar for you.

P.E. – go on the PE section of the blog and choose one of the activities your PE teacher posted for you.

Story – Watch The Princess & The Alphabet Kingdom- Preschool ABCs Nursery Stories

Sign of the day – Don’t forget to be practising the sign of the day – if you want to send me a video then feel free

Art – For today’s art activity, I leave you some ideas that you can do with your children, according to the taste and resources they have at home. Special interest for the fact that it is without mess. We love art and everything that allows us to explore but it is always better when we save carpets, right? 😉

Science – Do you know which objects sink or float? Here you have a fun and easy experiment that you can make at home. Bring objects from your garden or when you go out for a walk.

Here’s the idea J

 HWB – Let’s see if you can still remember this:

– can you name and find some parts of your body. You can do it pointing to your body or you can have fun and sing and dance with “head, shoulders, knees and toes” so familiar for you and I know you love it.

If you would like to explore a little bit further why not try it in Spanish. Have fun J

I hope you have a lovely day. Keep safe, stay happy!!! Always remember, I am right here, just on the other side of the screen! 😀

Wednesday 22nd April Orange Class


Good morning!  Lets start the day in a fun way with the Singing Walrus

Followed by days of the week.  Dance along!

Finally what’s the weather like today?



On Wednesdays we have Music with Gordon.

Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Do the activities as many times as you like.

Activities (links below)

Hello song

    1. Bounce and catch. You’ll need a ball for this.
    2. Tap and clap along to Cho-co-la-te. Do you remember how to do this?
    3. Now try playing Cho-co-la-te using homemade instruments. Try this 2-3 times. If you don’t have any instruments, what can you find to make a good sound?
    4. Time to get up and dance to Blame it on the Boogie by the Jackson 5. You can also play your instruments if you like, or get a scarf to play with.
    5. And now, time to chill. This week we have a piano version of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah.
    6. Goodbye Song. Time to say goodbye! Thank you for your music. Hope you had some fun, see you all next time!





Tap and clap along to Cho-co-la-te


Now play Cho-co-la-te using a homemade instrument.



Time to move around or play your instrument


Chill and relax


Goodbye Song





Story Time: Lets listen to Rabbit’s Nap. Can you answer the questions below?

HWB Lets learn about Health Eating today!

Did that make you hungry? maybe its time for snack.  Don’t forget to wash your hands!


Now how about some outdoor learning?

Today we are going to play I spy. Preferably outdoors, however not to worry if you can’t go out today, you can do this any day and as much as you like. Click on the link below to get started.



Time for some standing  yoga.  We would love to see some photo’s of your yoga poses too.  Click the arrows below to follow the programme with photo examples.


Have fun!!


Time to relax

Have a lovely day.


Wednesday 22nd of April – Pink Class

Hi, what day is it today? It’s my favourite day of the week…..

Calendar –

Have a look at April on the calendar again.

April 2020 printable Calendars

How many Mondays are there in April?

How many days are left in April?

What is the last day in April?

What month comes after April?

Movement –

Check out the movement section or put on some of your favourite Go Noodle dances and teach them to someone in your family. Can you get your whole family moving?

Life Skills – 

Choose one of these jobs to do today:

Literacy –

Make some letters or words using a variety of materials e.g. paint, playdough or pipecleaners.

P.E. –

What does Pedro and Gerry suggest we do today to be active? Have a look!

Story –

David from Orange class found a story he thought we would enjoy as we are looking at birds just now. Let’s join Kipper the dog as he finds a nest.

Signs of the Day –

Pop over to see what signs Lorna is teaching us today.

Art –

Let’s try to use our hand and foot prints to make some birds. How colourful can your birds be?

Science – 

We have looked at the life cycle of a butterfly in class. Let’s now look at the life cycle of a bird.

Can you remember the cycle? Click on the link below to try.

life cycle of bird

HWB – 

Make your mental health a priority today – things are only getting harder the longer we spend at home.

Today I am going to have a looong bath, do some reading  (my favourite hobby!), sit in my garden and maybe cosy up and watch some Disney movies. Do something today that puts a smile on your face! 🙂

Challenge of the Day –

What could you do today to help our earth?

Have a fantastic, fun-filled day and stay safe Pink Class!
